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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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Jace’s eyes lifted to the large clock above the hospital bed. He’d only burned about four minutes in his stretch. Damn. Jace’s eyes landed back on Colt’s battered face. None of the swelling had gone down. It was hard to look at him without wincing at what he must have gone through. He wondered if Colt had been afraid, or had his adrenaline pumped too fast to do much more than just experience the moment?

Colt needed to wake up and answer those questions. They were almost twelve hours from being taken off the heavy sedation medications and Colt hadn’t budged. Jace had no idea what to expect, but he prayed for miracles. He wanted Colt to wake up. He wanted Colt to be difficult and ornery, insist he had this and try to get out of the hospital bed. It didn’t happen that way. So now they waited. Much like every minute since he’d arrived, Jace waited and forced all his positive energy to Colt, willing him to wake.

In Jace’s reasonable mind, he understood Colt should sleep, but if he could get even just a second of Colt looking at him, telling him everything would be okay… That was all he needed, because this waiting thing was hell, and the idea of starting day three sent panicked shivers springing up on his arms.

“I need a shower,” Jace said to Colt. “Really bad, I stink to high heaven.” He’d kept a steady stream of communication going between them. Jace’s normal demeanor kept him generally quiet, rolling with whatever came his way. Not in this. He’d probably talked more in the last three days than he had in the last twenty years.

“I need you to wake up, Colt. I can’t shower with you in this bed like this. Please wake up,” Jace pleaded, swinging his arms back and forth, side to side, walking closer to the bed.

“If you’ll wake up, we can rethink your idea about the future. I know your doctor’s making plans for you. I don’t know exactly what they are, but whatever he decides will be okay. If you have to go back to New York for your care, I’ll be there if you want me to, or I can stay in Texas. We’ll figure it out. I’ll be wherever you want me. Just wake up. Please, wake up.” Jace walked up to Colt’s right side, the most broken and battered side of his body. He didn’t touch Colt, didn’t jostle the bed, but leaned over the gurney and placed a simple kiss on Colt’s lips.

“Please wake up, Colton. I need you.” There was nothing, not even a twitch of his eye, and Jace sighed before saying another prayer. Please God, get him through this.


Hours later Dr. Knox entered the room, Mitch following right behind him. Jace pushed himself out of the chair and shoved the fallen pieces of his hair behind his ear. He vowed right then he was cutting his hair as soon as possible.

“He hasn’t come around, yet,” Jace said as he made his way to the end of the bed. There were no polite pleasantries, no coddling. The panic Jace felt prickled at him. He needed answers.

“It’s normal. These things take time. We’ve arranged to have Colt transported to Dallas.” Dr. Knox said, not letting Jace fire off all the questions he had.

“Are you certain that’s a good idea?” Jace crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes at the doctor. Dallas was better than New York, but still close enough for his father to try to intervene.

“I believe it’s our best option for now,” Dr. Knox answered. Mitch was all but forgotten as he stood a couple of feet behind his father, listening to the conversation, not participating. “The orthopedic surgeon in Dallas happens to be a close friend of mine. He’s the best in his field and my preferred choice for Colt’s care,” Dr. Knox said.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for him.” He battled with this decision. No matter how Jace played it out in his mind, he worried about Colt’s father, but on the other hand, he was grateful to know Colt would at least be close to him while he recovered.

“Does that mean there’s no word on who did this?” Jace questioned, his gaze shooting up to Mitch’s. He stood tall, and solidly built much like an immovable object he so clearly put out into the world. His dark eyes and deeply tanned handsome face bore straight into Jace as he spoke.

“No, nothing, and on an island this size, if anyone knew anything, they’d be bragging by now. There hasn’t been a peep. Colt’s rental at the house hasn’t been touched. All the ground work has led us to a big, fat nothing. We’re gonna have to restart an investigation when we get back to the mainland. There’s no choice,” Mitch said. He stayed back, spoke quietly, and matched Jace’s stance.

“If you do that, won’t it draw attention to Colt?” Jace asked. He glanced over to the bed before shifting his focus to the doctor. How could they protect him on the mainland if they didn’t know who was responsible?

“As the team physician, it’s within our rights to direct his care, but Mitch’s pulled some strings.” Mitch stepped closer to Jace and handed him a grocery sack. Jace took an envelope out of a Wal-Mart shopping bag. He juggled the bag, until he dropped it and opened the manila envelope, pulling out several documents, one being a New York State marriage license. It took Jace a minute to understand both his and Colt’s name were signed across the bottom.

“I’ve looked into Colt’s background. He needs you to be involved in his care, Jace. There’s nothing but backstabbing, money grubbing sons of bitches everywhere he turns. It could have been anyone in his camp. They’re all shady,” Mitch said as he bent and picked up the shopping bag, pulling out a new pair of athletic shorts and T-shirt.

“How’s he gonna feel about this?” Jace asked the first question that came to mind. He held a marriage license, tying Colt to him, and the paper looked authentic as hell.

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