Double Full (Nice Guys 1) - Page 84

“He doesn’t have to know where I am, right?” Colt asked.

“Of course not. We’ll tell him about your desire to have him stay away,” Dr. Knox assured him. Colt knew if the team backed him, they could flex their muscles, and that alone was bigger than anything he could do on his own.

“I also have someone on this door. None of that changes,” Mitch added.

“Can I pay to have someone on Jace? Is that possible?” Colt asked.

“I’ve taken care of it.”

Colt nodded at Mitch, reassured by his answer, before flipping his head straight to Jace.

“I want you to go home, too. Get some rest.” It took a second for Jace to realize Colt spoke to him, then he immediately started shaking his head no.

“I wanna stay here with you.”

“You haven’t slept in days,” Colt scolded. He knew if he wasn’t firm, Jace would drive himself right into the ground.

“Yes, I have,” Jace shot back. The exhaustion on his face gave a completely different answer.

“No, you need to go home. Mitch, can you get him home?” Colt shot out.

“Of course, I can…” Colt totally got this was one of those relationship moments where you weren’t sure who to side with.

“It’s for the best, Jace. I’ll sleep better knowing you’re sleeping tonight. Get your car and come back tomorrow.”

“Colt,” Jace began.

“No, I’m serious, Jace. You were supposed to be home yesterday. You have a business and life here. You have to get back to it. Come back tomorrow, but rest tonight. Check in at the gym. You have Worlds coming up. They need you. You deserve to take it all this year,” Colt said.

Jace was silent as recognition dawned and Colt grinned. “I told you, I’ve followed your life. I know what’s going on in it.”

That earned Colt a kiss, right on the lips, and he loved they were past the point of caring who saw them.

“All right, but just because it’ll be better to have my car. If you can’t get me home, I can call Haley,” Jace said to Mitch.

“No, I’m heading out. I can take you now.”

“Take your medicine. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Jace advised and tucked his covers, making sure Colt was settled before he took off.

“Remember, he’s taken. And I’ll kick your ass,” Colt called out as a nurse entered the room. He knew Mitch was harmless, but he still hated the fact Mitch was such a good-looking guy, leaving with his own good-looking guy.

“Blah, blah, blah,” Mitch teased, sliding his arm across Jace’s shoulder and giving Colt a parting wink before the door closed behind him.

“Doc, your son needs a spanking. I know you raised him better than that,” Colt joked with Dr. Knox.

Chapter 33

“You’re good at reading people. Is he trying to protect me or push me away?” Jace finally asked about halfway to his house on the ride home. Until then, he and Mitch had stayed relatively quiet.

“Definitely the first one,” Mitch said. “He’s worried about you.”

Jace let Mitch’s words sink in, trying to convince himself he spoke the truth. And if that were the truth, Jace wanted to go straight back to the hospital. If it wasn’t the truth, then Jace needed to give Colt space. Damn, what should he do?

“He doesn’t blame you. It wasn’t your fault,” Mitch said, never taking his eyes from the road.

“Someone cut my brake lines, so yeah, it was meant for me. His dad hates me. I made Colt call him.” There Jace said it, and his eyes stayed focused on the dash.

“It’s an open investigation, Jace. I can’t really talk about it. But here’s my problem. You definitely have that whole angle of his fucked up dad. It’s solid. He had motive, you can’t discount that. What you don’t know is that you weren’t the only ones targeted. There’re a few others. Could they be tied together? Don’t know yet. Your face was all over the news when ESPN highlighted your gym. That same segment still airs,” Mitch said matter-of-factly, his eyes never leaving the road.

“Should I worry about the kids or the gym?” Jace asked. He turned completely toward Mitch. That had never occurred to him.

“It’s why I brought it up. I honestly don’t know if it’s connected. I swear I don’t, but I’ll find out. Until then, it might be wise. Especially when it gets out that you and Colt are a couple. For the time being, I have someone following you. He’s designed not to be seen, but he’s there if anyone makes contact, or you need him.” Mitch still hadn’t looked at Jace. They rode another several minutes in silence. Jace worked at his phone, sending immediate messages to his security company, asking if they did things like security guards and twenty-four hour surveillance. He scrubbed a hand over his face and through his hair. His long hair that had done nothing but get in the way since all this happened.

“Do you think security guards are enough?” Jace asked.

“For now, it should be fine. If things change, I’ll let you know.” Mitch didn’t say another word as he pulled to the front of Jace’s townhome.

“Sleep wouldn’t kill you. You need to be rested for the long haul, and trust me, it’s gonna be a long ass haul. Call if you need me,” Mitch said as Jace got out of the car. Sleep wasn’t likely.

“Thank you for everything. Call us once you talk to his father,” Jace said. How had it never occurred to him the gym and teams could be in danger? Jace tugged his stuffed backpack from the backseat and slammed the door. He waved as his phone sounded off that he’d gotten a new message. Security could be arranged as early as tonight.

Now, he needed to get a haircut, ASAP. He dialed quickly as he entered his townhome.

“Haley, who do we know that can give me an immediate haircut?” Jace asked.

“I’ll arrange it if you tell me what’s going on?” Haley shot right back.

“Arrange it. I’ll be at the gym in about twenty minutes.” Jace ignored everything else, hung up, and headed straight to the shower. He wanted to be back at the hospital before dark.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024