Double Full (Nice Guys 1) - Page 86

“You’re supposed to be sleeping in your bed. Why are you back?” Colt’s voice was gruff, and Jace glanced at him over his shoulder.

“I’d rather be here than home,” Jace said and shrugged, before turning back to the screen and hitting send on the email he’d just typed. He left the computer sitting open and made his way over to Colt.

“I’m not an invalid. I can handle things until you can come back,” Colt grumbled. He was still irritated and most likely in pain. Jace looked up at the clock on the wall, measured time, and wondered if Colt had called for his pain meds. Probably not, saying something about his alcoholism and addiction. No matter how Jace insisted taking these meds didn’t cross that line, Colt argued. He’d worked too hard at staying sober. He didn’t want anything to mess him up.

“Yeah? You can’t even wipe your own ass,” Jace said, winking at him, and pressed the nurse’s call button. “That technically makes you an invalid. You need me here.”

“Why’d you cut your hair?” Colt asked in that same gruff tone.

“You’re just picking at me now.” Jace looked around the room, and then back down at Colt. “Did you eat dinner? I don’t see a tray.” Jace reached back and fluffed Colt’s pillow, and responded to the nurse when she beeped in, asking for his pain medicine.

“No, really, why?” Colt asked again.

“What’s it matter anyway? You didn’t like it long,” Jace said nonchalantly. He stood close to the bedrail. Those ice blue eyes staring back at him melted his heart every single time he looked at them.

“I did to like it long,” Colt fired back.

“It was in the way. I can grow it back out,” Jace reassured and leaned over to kiss Colt’s lips. “I couldn’t stay away. I need to be here. Are you okay with it, or would you rather me leave?” Jace asked in a rare moment of honesty. Something flashed across Colt’s face.

“I’m worried about you, Jace. This is a lot to deal with, and I think you think it’s your fault, and that’s why you’re hovering like this,” Colt replied.

“I don’t know whose fault it is, I just know I need to be wherever you are. It’s easier to be here in Dallas. I know I’ll get pulled away for work, but I want to be here with you. When they allow you to leave, I want you to come home with me. I want us to be together. I want to be the one to take care of you.” Jace leaned in across the bedrail and lightly brushed his knuckles down Colt’s jaw, running the pad of his thumb gently across Colt’s bottom lip. His eyes implored Colt to understand. He wanted Colt living with him permanently.

“You promise if this is too much you’ll take a break.” Colt’s voice shook, maybe broke a little, but he leaned into Jace’s touch.

“Absolutely, and stop fussing over me. Focus your energy on getting you well, so I can take you home,” Jace said. Colt puckered like he had done so many times in the Hawaiian hospital, and Jace leaned in to kiss his lips.

“You look like we did when we met. I’m having the same reaction as I did when I sat in that stupid pep rally,” Colt whispered. He tilted his head toward the center of the bed, where the sheet was tenting. Jace laughed until the nurse walked in, and he quickly lowered his hand, awkwardly pushing Colt’s erection down, reaching for anything to place in his lap.

Jace didn’t dare look Colt in the eyes, especially not when his husband’s warm cock was pressed against his palm. Colt chuckled, then immediately winced in pain.

“Fucking ribs,” Colt cursed. It was all it took, Colt’s hard-on deflated to Jace’s relief.

“So you’re hurting?” the nurse asked and reached for the small hand sanitizer dispenser on the wall, wiping her hands as she turned back to Jace. She hadn’t paid them any attention; nothing more than business as usual. Thank God. Jace knew his cheeks were colored from the embarrassment of the moment, and he still refused to look back at Colt.

“I think it’s time for his pain medicine,” Jace blurted. She nodded and went directly to the computer stationed close to the bed and pulled up Colt’s information.

“You’re right. I’ll be right back,” she left and Jace turned back to Colt.

“You are so… naughty. I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you!”

“I know exactly what I’m gonna do with you the very first chance I get.” Colt grinned.

Chapter 34

Mitch sat across the living room from Colt’s father. His elbows on his knees, his eyes trained on the old man. He’d watched every move Larry Michaels made from the time they entered the house. When they first arrived, Colt’s father had shown concern. As they spoke, Mr. Michael’s even showed deep remorse. He wanted to become immediately involved in Colt’s care, even asking if he should apply for conservatorship. When Mitch explained about the marriage and resulting restraining order, Larry got pissed off angry. As they sat in the old man’s living room, Larry became visibly upset. His pretty young bride sat perched on the arm rest right beside him, trying to soothe his ruffled feathers.

“So you’re saying my fag son married that little cocksucking cheerleader?” Colt’s father roared, standing.

“Sir, I need you to sit back down. You need to remain calm, and I need to know about your whereabouts six days ago,” Mitch said, standing at the same moment Larry had. The coach stood also, Mitch caught the move out of the corner of his eye.

“Fuck you and fuck him! He’s dead to me! You tell him he’s dead to me. He should’ve died, it’s better than having a cocksucker for a son!” Spittle flew out of Larry’s mouth along with his words as he palmed his phone, made a call, and brought the phone to his ear.

“You make me sick! You should have died—”

Mitch leaped into action. He had Larry down on the ground, wrestling the phone away and pulling the handcuffs from his back pocket simultaneously. He’d gotten really good at quickly subduing his suspects. He loved this part of his job.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024