Double Full (Nice Guys 1) - Page 88

A few months after he’d settled in Texas, they held a small reception so their close friends and Jace’s mom could celebrate their union. Colt’s father had been absent for the festivities, which wasn’t a big surprise since he hadn’t been invited. Mitch, Doc, and his wife all came. The evening had turned out beautifully; he couldn’t have asked for anything more.

Recently, they were even considering the natural next steps of a married couple. They were looking at puppies to help grow their family. Some struggles were coming from this decision. Colt wanted something big, like maybe a Lab. Jace wanted a smaller dog, like maybe a Boston Terrier. Should be interesting to see who won that particular battle.

The investigation into his accident was still open, but Mitch couldn’t talk about it, except to say they had a few leads. Both he and Jace were shocked to learn his father wasn’t behind the attempt on Jace’s life. Which left even more questions needing to be answered, but Mitch assured them they were working hard and Colt would be called to testify when they finally made a case.

Colt tried the doorknob to Jace’s office, which turned easily, and he stuck his head inside to see he was in a heated meeting. Everyone involved looked up at Colt’s interruption. Damn.

“Sorry!” Colt began, ducking his head back out the door. He’d shown up unexpected after his daily therapy session.

“No, we’re done, come in,” Jace said, motioning Colt forward, visibly trying to change his facial features from stern to soft. He was kind of funny to watch.

“Yeah, come in. He’s always happier when you’re around, and we were just getting an earful. You need to stay in here!” Haley took the excuse, bounded up and on her feet, already making her escape.

“I’ll make sure the girls are watched better,” she said as the door closed behind her and the two other coaches who had made a run for the door when he first stuck his head inside.

“What happened?” Colt asked. Jace stayed sitting behind his desk, and Colt took the chair Haley had abandoned. The seat was warm, which meant they must have spent some time in there, clearly having Jace chew on them.

“Nothing really. Two girls got caught going out back to smoke when they should have been practicing. I got chewed on for a full hour by their parents. Apparently parents still hate that kind of thing,” Jace stated. His brow relaxed and his whole demeanor changed. His lips lifted into that silly grin, the one that usually lit Jace’s face when Colt was around. Colt loved that smile. “What brings you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at therapy?” Jace asked.

“I came to a decision. I’m pretty solid on it, and I wanna make sure you agree before I move forward,” Colt said.

“All right, shoot.” Jace rose and walked around the desk to stand in front of Colt. He propped his hip on the edge and leaned back, crossing those beefy arms over his chest.

Shit! Jace always had one hell of a hot look, but through all Colt’s therapy, he’d gotten bigger, added more mass to his already thick frame. Every time Colt worked out, so did Jace. In fact, they did just about everything together. And damn, he wanted those arms wrapped around him right now. Colt ignored the pull and fought to stay focused on the topic at hand.

“I think it’s time I throw in the towel.” Colt stayed seated, pretending to be relaxed, but the anxiety of the decision coursed through his mind, robbing him of even the thoughts of Jace being the hottest guy he’d ever seen.

Everything they worked for since the accident centered on getting Colt back on the field. They’d succeeded remarkably. Jace had been like a dog with a bone, never letting Colt get down or frustrated. He pushed Colt, and through all the rehab, he finally understood why Jace had flourished in cheerleading—he was one to his core. Jace was Colt’s personal cheerleader, encouraging and supporting him like he’d never been uplifted in his life.

With loads of rehab over the last few months, it looked as though he could possibly get back to playing some serious football. The problem he found with achieving his goal? He didn’t want to leave Jace for the extended time he’d be required to if he went back to New York. Colt just didn’t want to do it. He loved the life they’d created. He loved being here in this gym, having Jace come home to him every night, traveling when the gym traveled.

“This is sudden,” Jace said, his brow narrowed, his smile fading. Colt had no idea what that meant.

“Not really,” Colt interjected, keeping his relaxed stance, and damn, was that hard to do with this nervous energy coursing throughout his entire body.

“I don’t understand. You’ve worked so hard to get back. You’re close, Colt. I know you can do it. We can work out more together. I can make time in the morning. It’s not a problem,” Jace started, but Colt lifted a hand to stop him.

“Babe, they’re going to officially release me this afternoon. I didn’t fight them this time. I know I can get to where I was, and I will, but that means I’m away from you. I don’t wanna be away from our life for months at a time,” Colt spoke softly. He rose and came to stand in front of Jace.

“We can make this work. It’s different now,” Jace said, bringing his left hand up to cover his chin. Colt could see Jace silently contemplating all the options, mentally willing himself to find a way to better help Colt achieve his goals. Jace wore his wedding ring. He actually never took it off, and the resolve in Colt’s decision firmed. He wanted to be here, nowhere else.

“Let me say this differently. If you’re all right with it, then I’m done with playing professional football. Are you all right with it?”

“You’ll go stir crazy, Colt. I don’t want you to resent this decision someday.”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024