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Full Domain (Nice Guys 3)

Page 21

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“What?” Aaron asked.

“Have you slept yet?” Kreed sucked in a breath when Aaron dropped his legs to the floor and spun completely around in his desk chair to face him, exposing a well-defined chest, inked with an impressive tatt that ran across his shoulder and down his chest. A flash of silver on the kid’s nipples caught Kreed’s attention and held it. Nipple rings?

Oh fuck me, yes!

Kreed couldn’t believe all that had been hidden under Aaron’s clothing. The kid was just full of surprises. He was staring, but he couldn’t help it. Damn it, if he was going to hell, he might as well enjoy the view. Kreed’s eyes dropped lower to follow the treasure trail of dark hair disappearing into the waistband of the nylon shorts sitting low on the kid’s hips. Shit, the guy was mouthwatering. Kreed’s cock hardened instantly. What the fuck? He’d never reacted like this to the men he worked with. He’d offered sex before they started the assignment, but once they made it to the FBI building, that was off the table. Yet, his behavior bordered on inappropriate and he absolutely hated he couldn’t get a hold of his attraction for this guy. Damn it.

“Yeah, I just don’t sleep a lot. Did I wake you?” Aaron scrubbed his fingers through his hair.

Kreed really wanted to be the one to do that, but instead he casually reached inside his shorts and straightened his dick. He tried for a normal guy move, something that didn’t reek of creepy pervert. He really hoped it was convincing.

This kid was going to be a problem.

Kreed took a seat on the edge of the bed, praying he didn’t tent as he chastised himself. Why the fuck had he even come in here? Kreed’s sexual arousal kept him on edge, and outside of Aaron’s momentary visual appraisal at the airport—had that even really happened?—Kreed wasn’t certain Aaron was actually gay. At dinner earlier, Kreed had observed Aaron closely. The guy seemed to have a wandering eye, especially for the ladies, which raised more questions than it answered.

“Where did all this come from?” His brain hadn’t registered Aaron’s question, so he asked the first thing that came to mind.

“I had it shipped. The box was waiting for me when I got here.”

“Huh. Were you working?”

“Nah, gaming. I usually game this time of day. Mitch’s on. He still plays when Cody’s sleeping. Cody isn’t into video games.”

There was a small creak in the desk chair as Aaron leaned back. Kreed’s eyes were drawn to Aaron’s lap. The keyboard covered his dick, but it sure didn’t look like the kid was having his same problems.

“You don’t game, do you?”

“Nah, but Knox sure plays the shit out of ’em. It sounded like someone was typing on an old timey typewriter.”

“It’s the mechanical keyboard I have.” Aaron lifted a hand and randomly typed some keys to show the clicking. “It’s kind of the thing right now in this world. Sorry I woke you.”

“It’s good. Where are your glasses?’ Kreed asked, looking at Aaron’s face a little closer.

“They aren’t prescription. They’re just vanity glasses. I wear ’em like I change my hair, whenever I want something different,” Aaron replied, and Kreed just nodded. This kid seemed to always keep him guessing.

“I’m probably gonna go get a workout in,” Kreed said on a yawn as he put his hands on his knees and pushed up from the bed. Between the options of a cold shower or working out, he chose the latter. He needed some serious meditation time too. Something was off over how attracted he was to Aaron right now. He shouldn’t be so caught up in this kid he barely knew. He needed to stop this crazy infatuation from developing further.

“I did that already,” Aaron said, swiveling in his chair to keep an eye on Kreed as he got to his feet and headed toward their shared door.

“You left without telling me?” Kreed asked, looking back at him.

“You were asleep.”

“We’re partners now, with a crazy man on the loose. My job’s to keep you safe while you gather intel. You gotta tell me where you’re going and when.” Kreed shook his head as he left. When he made it back to his room, he called out, “I can already tell you’re gonna be a pain in the ass about that.”

“We’re not in Texas yet. And I’ll probably be the best pain in the ass you’ll ever have,” Aaron replied sarcastically.

Kreed stuck his head around the corner and watched Aaron lifting the earbud back to his ear. He swiped across one screen, turning the monitor back on. He picked up the keyboard and placed it on the desk. Kreed remembered that was Mitch’s preferred gaming stance, too. Aaron had called him back in the room with a sexual innuendo then just completely dismissed him. Why in the world was that so hot? Nobody on the planet dismissed him like that except, on occasion, Mitch. But he could make Mitch crazy, and Aaron seemed completely unaffected by most things, unless he was hungry. Maybe if he rubbed whipped cream and hot fudge all over his body, he could get the guy’s attention.

No, asshole. You don’t want his attention now. He’s your partner, dumbfuck.

Now he was mentally arguing with himself. Huh. Okay. Kreed turned and left the doorway, adjusting himself again, and made his way to the closet. He grabbed a T-shirt and his tennis shoes before heading out. So much for his good night’s sleep.


Aaron listened to the door of Kreed’s room bang shut, and he let out a pent-up breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. That whole “leave the door between their rooms cracked” thing Kreed insisted on had thrown Aaron for a loop. He’d been as silent as possible, but he’d known this damn noisy keyboard would be a problem. He needed to stop sometime today and buy something a little quieter. He tended to use this one while on the road to help mask his activities. People in the know would write him off as a gamer simply because he used the mechanical keyboard.

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