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Full Domain (Nice Guys 3)

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“My parents are fundamentalist, sir. They felt most of the churches in our area didn’t teach the true lessons of the Bible. So a few of the families in our area who shared the same belief started a small church in the Topeka area. I went to Oklahoma to finish school. I was hoping I could come up here and fellowship with your branch. They just don’t have the fellowship in Oklahoma like you have here.” Aaron hoped that lie came off as sincere.

“Hmm,” Pastor Helps grunted. “We have parishioners who travel several hundred miles to attend church every Sunday.”

“That’s how I heard about your church. I’m looking forward to hearing the teachings from the word of God at the worship service this Sunday.” Aaron had no idea what that meant compared to what Pastor Helps said, but it was part of the pre-rehearsed call-notes Director Skinner sent over. “My parents homeschooled me and my brothers and sisters, and we had strict Bible study every day. I do miss being able to share the scripture with those around me.”

He’d been told over and over that less was more, but he couldn’t stop his brain from thinking of his socialite mother, who always had a cocktail in her hand, trying to homeschool any of his brothers or sisters. The thought was almost as comical as the act. She would have called in one of the many household staff to deal with such a trivial task.

“That story sounds very much like many of my flock. Redemption Apostle got its start in much the same way your parents’ church did. The lack of preachers to be dutiful watchmen and preach God’s judgment is exactly why the world is in such a state of decay today. We have to diligently spread the word. It is up to us to be God’s watchmen. Too many men claim to teach the wrath of God, but they are nothing more than false prophets spreading fables—the very reason we’re opening congregations in a few other states. It’s a slow process. But the children of God need to be vigilant and spread the word. The absolute judgment of God awaits those who fail to repent. I respect your parents’ dedication to the Bible and the Lord’s teachings,” Pastor Helps responded.

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” Aaron nodded, not prepared to say anything more. He had no experience with a church like this one. The few times he’d been inside a church in his adult life, he’d felt a sense of love there. This place—and most especially this man—radiated a disturbing creepiness. Aaron tested a few things before he pushed back in the chair. “I think we’re good. I should probably check the computers of everyone working today, but it looks like you’re back online.”

“Well, that didn’t take all that long at all.” Pastor Helps stood pretty fast for an old man who shuffled when he walked.

“No, sir, it was easy to find. Do you want to make sure you can send your message?” Aaron asked, hoping he could get a visual on the email the man needed to send in all haste.

“I need privacy. Why don’t you go check Julie’s computer. I’ll call you if I have a problem.” Pastor Helps quickly pushed behind his desk to sit in the chair Aaron had just vacated, almost running Aaron over in the process.

“Yes, sir.” Aaron left the office a little slowly, unsure how to do anything more to stay without coming off as too pushy. Connors would just have to do the rest on his end.

He headed toward Julie’s desk as the pastor called out, “Give him a job, Julie.”

“Good job! I’m back up, too.” She had her hand raised for Aaron to give her a high five.

“I should check your computer. I found a virus known to have crawlers.” Same words used on a CSI episode he and his buddies made fun of all of the time.

“I wish Thomas would call back in,” she said reluctantly, rising from her chair for Aaron.

“Was the pastor serious about hiring me?” Aaron asked, not responding to her statement. Julie rose, and he took her seat and began working quickly on her machine.

“Oh, absolutely, Pastor Helps isn’t a big fan of computers. He wouldn’t have been happy if no one could get this fixed today.” Aaron listened and decided Julie would be his biggest concern. She seemed the most reasonable of them all. When it came time to verify with the quick flash of the webcam, he let out a series of coughs.

“My throat’s dry. Must be the cold air,” Aaron said, looking over apologetically.

“I’ll get you a water bottle.” The second she turned away, he hit enter and watched as he got the confirmation he needed to indicate that the bureau had access.

“Here you go.” Julie handed him the water as he stood, angling the chair for her to sit.

“I’m glad I checked. It was in your system too. Probably everyone’s. I should look,” Aaron offered.

“Oh, praise be to Jesus. Josiah, you’re a dream. I believe God sent you to us today.” Julie swiveled toward him in the chair and looked up at him. Aaron smiled and took a drink from the bottle of water. He’d done what he set out to do. Julie stood abruptly and patted his shoulder. “Come on. I’ll show you the way around and get you some paperwork. You should be paid for today. I don’t know how much, that’s between you and Thomas, but I’ll get your new hire paperwork added.”

He couldn’t help the fist pump he gave and Julie laughed at his excitement.

“Welcome to our family.”

Chapter 15

Holding a hand to his ear, Kreed pressed the earbud in to make sure he captured every word Aaron said. Kreed bent forward, watching the screen as Aaron expertly navigated his way through the various offices of the church, creating an opening for the FBI. In a few short hours, Aaron managed to give them visual as well as audio and access to all of the internal workings of the church’s administrative headquarters. As he focused on Aaron and his safety, Kreed also had Connors and his team talking in his ear. He heard several ‘fuck yeahs’ and ‘the guy’s brilliant’ each time Aaron accomplished something new. Without question, Kreed tended to agree, but the darkness he detected while listening to the pastor speak freaked him the fuck out. Something wasn’t lying right in Kreed’s gut regarding that old man.

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