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Full Domain (Nice Guys 3)

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Water ran down Aaron’s crease and Kreed leaned down to chase it hungrily with his tongue. Aaron groaned. Kreed dropped to his knees, getting in a better position, and buried his face between those firm round globes to lap at Aaron’s hole. Aaron shuddered as Kreed held him open, licking and lapping. His own erection was heavy and bobbing as he found a comfortable spot on the decorative tiles.

The sound of Aaron’s groans and moans echoed sweetly off the shower walls. He stuck his tongue against Aaron’s entrance, stiffening it. The outer muscle gave way as he pressed inside and began fucking Aaron with his tongue. He used his thumbs and worked them deeper into Aaron as he ate his ass. His lover squirmed against his face and on his tongue, the steam of the shower adding to the heat in Kreed’s balls. He slid his thumbs from Aaron and swatted his ass cheeks. Aaron groaned.

“You like that, don’t you?” He reached between Aaron’s legs and fondled his balls. Kreed grabbed Aaron’s hips, turned him around, and deep-throated him, taking his church boy so deep his lips touched the close-trimmed hair at his root. He held him there then slowly pulled back, only to do it again, drawing a moan from Aaron.

Kreed gripped Aaron at the base and licked at the vein running along Aaron’s shaft, paying special attention to the cockhead and the sensitive underside with the flat of his tongue.

“Put your leg on the side of the ledge.” Aaron did as told, and Kreed picked up the body wash sitting nearby and poured it into his hand. He set the brightly-colored bottle back down, careful not to spill the soap he held in his other hand. He reached behind Aaron and spread the soap on his hole, dipping his pinky inside before using his free hand to capture Aaron’s dick and begin stroking him.

The water ran down his face as he used his slicked-up fingers to tenderly tease Aaron’s entrance. Kreed replaced the hand on Aaron’s cock with his mouth then gripped his own cock when Aaron’s hips set the rhythm.

Kreed pumped himself faster, the hard shower floor cutting into his knees as Aaron’s cock hit the back of his throat and he struggled not to gag around him. Constricting heat wrapped around his fingers as he worked Aaron’s hole, slow and deep. He twisted and curled his fingers to give Aaron the greatest pleasure he could without pressing hard enough to truly hurt. Aaron’s thigh shook on his shoulder. His thrusts became uncoordinated and jerky.

“I’m close.” Aaron panted above him as his fingers tightened against Kreed’s scalp. He slacked his jaw and let his lover fuck his face. Pushing his fingers deeper, he hooked them and pressed against his church boy’s prostate. He swore Aaron’s cock swelled against his lips.

“Kreed,” Aaron shouted. His name echoed off the shower walls. His lover’s salty release hit the back of his throat. He swallowed every last drop, his own orgasm one stroke away.

“C’mere,” Aaron said, pulling him up off the floor so quickly he fought to retain his balance. Aaron pushed against his chest, and his back hit the warm tile wall. Everything happened so fast he didn’t process it until Aaron dropped to his knees and inhaled him with a dip of his head. Hot suction on his cock blinded him. Electricity charged in his balls and rolled through his body. Kreed was already so close that he welcomed the onslaught of pleasure. He fisted Aaron’s hair and thrust his hips forward, fucking into that amazing mouth.

“Mmm….fuck.” His hands slid down the sides of Aaron’s face, holding his head in place as his release bowed his spine and he spilled his load down his lover’s welcoming throat.

After the fog cleared in his brain and he regained his senses, Kreed tugged Aaron against him and just held him as the water fell around them.

Chapter 29

After spending the last five days in Hawaii, Kreed knew without question, all the fuss about this place growing old was absolutely nuts. Kreed was pretty certain he could get used to living on this island. This little slice of heaven was nothing short of paradise—not too hot, definitely not too cold, just perfect.

The rental car’s windows were rolled down, allowing the sea-scented air to wash over them as Aaron drove down the street. He liked that Aaron enjoyed the island breeze blowing in his hair as much as he did. As they got going, Kreed lifted his phone and saw he’d missed a call. He put his window up about halfway and reached over to lower the radio volume as he touched the icon to return the call.

“I missed a call from Mitch,” Kreed said to Aaron as he lifted his cell to his ear, listening as it rang.

“When? I never heard it ring,” Aaron questioned, looking over at him. His guy looked nice tonight, dressed up for their first official date night. They’d decided to go back into town, hit up the dinner-slash-dancing joint Colt had suggested. Based on Jace’s warning that his mister couldn’t keep his hands to himself while they were there, Kreed knew it would be a place made for him.

Even before he’d seen how good his guy looked all dressed up, Kreed had planned to pull Aaron out on the dance floor and pretty much molest him for the next couple of hours. He wanted Aaron plastered against him, head to toe, with some sexy music keeping them tightly together. Yeah, and he also wanted the other men to see exactly who he would be taking home tonight.

The thought had Kreed smiling as he reached up, running his thumb across Aaron’s cheek when he looked over at Kreed, probably waiting on him to answer whatever question he hadn’t paid attention to. Aaron was just too fucking hot for him to be able to think straight tonight.

“I hear you breathing, ass-lick. Did you butt dial me?” Mitch’s voice pulled Kreed from his wayward musing.

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