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Full Disclosure (Nice Guys 2)

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“Well, you better! I tried to ignore your earlier call, but then I got worried. I was in an important meeting. It better be good, little Cody Turner!”

“I’m taller than you by eight inches,” he teased, ignoring her complaint. Sheila considered every meeting important.

“That means nothing in the life experience department. Besides, I changed your diapers and took you out on my dates. You’re still a little boy to me. Now, what did you want so late in the day on a Friday—since you’re clearly not hurt or anything?” While her tone could be off-putting to some, he found her endearing, and Sheila was always the first person he called for everything.

“I got the job!” he exclaimed.

“What job? What does that mean?” she asked, very confused.

“The mounted patrol job. The one I applied for months ago, remember?”

“No, you didn’t! No way! Congratulations, babe! When did you find out?” she asked. He knew she’d be excited.

“Just a few minutes ago. I got called into the chief’s office and he told me. It’s like a huge raise, and they have a mount waiting for me in Waco. I can stop by and see him on my way up,” Cody said as the main house came in view.

“Oh, Cody, I’m so proud of you. Congratulations. You’ve worked hard for that. You deserve it,” she praised.

“Well, I don’t know about that, but I do know that I’m pretty excited. I’m close to the house. Mason’s gonna be fit to be tied that I’m so late. I should go,” Cody said.

“Yeah, that’s right. This is your weekend to go to Dallas. Be safe, and remember, guys will make you lose your focus. Fuck ‘em and leave.” Sheila started to laugh.

“I’m not having this conversation with you. You’d think you’d have figured that out by now,” Cody said, taking a side trail to the barn.

“It’s just sex, Cody. I’ve done it a thousand times myself,” Sheila confessed, but he wasn’t in the mood to hear about his sister’s love life.

“Okay, too much information, I’m hanging up now.” Cody lowered the phone as he heard her yell her parting line.

“Be safe up there! And I’m proud of you, Cody. Good job!” He disconnected the call a little creeped out from hearing all that sex talk from his sister, but still incredibly happy. She’d been his number one supporter in his career.

He pulled his truck up beside Mason’s and got out. Mason, his oldest brother, ran the family farm. He did just about everything on his own. His dad had become a police officer back in the eighties to help support the family during the big Texas oil bust. He’d kept that job, eventually becoming the police chief in their town, letting Mason try his hand at running things when he got old enough. Mason had done a good job of building the place back up, making the farm viable and sustaining.

By the time Cody walked around the bed of the truck, Mason was heading out of the barn door, his cell phone stuck to his ear and a checkbook in his other hand. Chester, Cody’s Lab, came busting around the corner, racing straight for him. Cody kneeled down, braced himself, and let Chester jump on him and lick him like crazy. He gave him a good rubdown and the doggie treat he’d brought as Mason approached.

“You’re late,” Mason said, the smile spreading across his face. Cody rose, figuring Mason had been talking to Sheila when he’d come out. Mason stuck out his hand, which Cody shook and got enveloped in a giant bear hug. They were similar in size and Mason gave him a good brotherly whack on the back. “Congratulations, man. I know how much you wanted that job.”

Chester was right there between them, jumping up to get in on the action. Man, he missed that dog.

“It was kind of a shock. I wasn’t expecting it at all.” Cody’s grin was as big as his brother’s. “I thought they’d given the job to someone else.”

“Oh come on. You were raised on the back of a horse. I had you up there with me when you were just a few years old,” Mason said. “Nobody rides better than you. Besides that, you’re badass at your job. I’m just real excited for you, man.”

“I heard my boy has some good news.” Cody’s mom hollered from the front porch. “You better get over here and share what’s going on with you,” she yelled. They both looked her way. She was a little bitty thing, but after corralling five children she had a voice that boomed across the pasture. Cody waved at her and turned back to his brother.

“I should go talk to her because otherwise she’ll hike all the way out here,” he commented.

“Here’s the checkbook. I wrote the farm’s address on the back. I called ‘em last night and you can stop by tonight or tomorrow. I’ll have my cell on me, let me know what you think of her,” Mason said.

“All right. Are you sure you want me to just write a check without you looking at her first?” Cody asked, walking back to his truck.

“Like I just said, you know horses better than any of us. You deem her acceptable, so will I,” Mason repeated, giving him a hard pat on the back. “I’m proud for you, Cody. Chester, come here, boy!”

Cody bent down and nuzzled the dog again before he loaded himself up and drove his truck to the main house where his mom stood. She was coming off the wrap-around porch, shielding her eyes against the glare of the afternoon sun as he got out of the truck. Her smile was as big as Mason’s had been.

“Sheila called, she told me you had good news and I needed to get out here.” His mom met him at his truck.

“Hi, Mom.” Cody leaned down to kiss her cheek. “I just met with my chief. I got that mounted patrol job I applied for all those months ago.”

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