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Full Disclosure (Nice Guys 2)

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He casually placed the hat back on his head. It slid easily into place. When he came back up, Mitch was gone from his spot at the driver’s door and rounding the hood, tracking Cody’s movements as he came closer. The predatory gaze Mitch gave had his heart slamming in his chest and again pinning him where he stood. Mitch stayed on the curb, giving him height over Cody as he backed him against the car, sliding between his parted legs. How could Mitch have that much control over him already?

Chapter 9

Mitch did quick inventory of everything he knew about Cody. He didn’t know much, but what he did know, he owed to Colt and that sent a jealous twinge shooting up his spine. When he’d come around the car, he’d only planned to say his goodbyes, try and shoot for a rain check, but instead, he’d been sneaky. He snapped a picture of Cody with his phone, hoping the shot turned out well enough from the angle he held the phone against his side.

Taking Cody off guard had been a real treat. The guy acted surprised when he pushed him back against the car and leaned down, fusing their mouths together again. Mitch wasn’t certain where that came from either, but later, when Cody thought over this night, he wanted to be the one remembered, not Colt Michaels. And that had him grinding himself into Cody’s arousal as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Cody didn’t resist meeting him grind for grind or swipe for swipe.

“I have to go, but I need a redo,” Mitch said, wrenching from the kiss and latching on to Cody’s neck. He never stopped the steady rhythm of his hips or the exploration his hands were taking as they roamed Cody’s chest and slid down between his thighs. Once he gripped Cody’s cock, his own hips bucked forward. Mitch had no idea of Cody’s reaction until the small groan escaped, forcing Mitch’s head up.

Cody was extraordinarily handsome, his muscular body on display as he lay back against the car, the baseball cap dislodged from his head once again. His eyes were shut and a fringe of lashes fluttered against his cheek. His mouth partially opened as Mitch increased the massage he gave.

“How do I find you later?” Mitch asked. He could locate Cody on his own, but he wanted Cody to tell him. When no response came, he gripped harder, causing Cody’s eyes to open and focus on him. “Tell me. How do I find you?”

“Guys, you need to move it along,” Mitch heard someone say from the road. The beam of a flashlight traveled across them. He moved his body to cover his hand. Cody’s head snapped up, and he pushed at Mitch’s chest. He didn’t budge, he just pressed himself closer.

“Yes, officer,” Mitch answered, never taking his eyes off Cody’s. They stood there together, staring at each other until Cody reached down, gripped his hand, stopping his motion, and moved away from his touch.

“I need my keys,” Cody said, bending to scoop up his hat that had fallen by the curb. He could tell Cody had been surprised by the officer and now tried to hide his flushed face and shaking hands.

“They’re in your pocket.” Mitch gave him a wink. He’d placed them there earlier. Maybe that was a good sign that Cody had been so into what they were doing he hadn’t even noticed.

Cody’s hand immediately reached inside the front pocket of his jeans, which stretched the denim across his still obviously swollen cock. Mitch felt his pain.

“When did you put them there? I didn’t feel you do that.” Cody sounded stunned as he took a few steps backward.

“It’s one of my many skills. I’m gonna see you again, you know that right?” Mitch called out and held his ground. Cody didn’t say anything more. He turned and left Mitch staring after him. Damn, that cowboy had a fine ass.

Mitch rapped his knuckles on the hood of the car for a second time as the flashlight scanned his car again. It was a cruiser. He rounded the car and dropped into the front seat, adjusting his mighty pissed off hard-on before starting the car. His phone sounded again. Director Carpenter would be chomping at the bit, no doubt. Hell, Mitch should have been too. He shook his head, trying to clear the lust-induced haze before he answered his phone.

He dropped the rental in drive, quickly scanned the side mirror as he pulled out into the street, and answered his phone, all simultaneously. No matter how hard he’d been pushing this case to get anyone to take notice, now that administration was involved, it would be full steam ahead.

“Knox? Hello, Knox, are you there?” Shit, well apparently he wasn’t so good at preforming too many tasks at once. He’d forgotten to say hello.

“Yes, sir,” he answered as he applied the brake, coming to a stop in front of a red light. He reached down to adjust himself again, forcing his mind back into the work at hand, not the sexy trooper’s cock he’d just had in his hand. “So the Greyson kid made it?”

“For now. He was unconscious when they found him, and he’s in surgery now. It’s going to be a waiting game and a long road to recovery for the kid if he makes it. All eyes are on this one, Knox. Looks like you got the break you needed, but now’s the time to get in there and wrap this baby up,” Director Skinner said. Mitch heard the concern in the director’s voice. The higher you went in the agency, the more they all ran in the same circles. It was very possible Director Carpenter knew the Greyson kid. “I just hung up with Director Carpenter. He’s open to anything you need. He has your case files now.”

“We’ll need immediate access to the family,” Mitch started absently. “I know I’m assigned to Agent Connors, but I’d like official access to Aaron Stuart. No more tying his hands.”

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