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Full Disclosure (Nice Guys 2)

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“Introduce me,” Kreed requested.

“Fuck you. This one’s mine.” Mitch pressed the bar on the side of the phone to bring Cody’s picture back up when the screen darkened.

“No, dumb-ass, not him…the computer geek.” Kreed inclined his head toward the laptop.

“You know, I can hear everything you’re saying.” Aaron’s voice caught him off guard, causing him and Kreed to both stare at his dark screen, and then over to Connors’s darkened screen.

“How does he do that?” Kreed’s brow lifted.

“I don’t know. I should have warned you.” He kept his eyes on his laptop, waiting for Aaron to do something else.

“So like he can watch everything you do?” Kreed probed. Mitch looked at Kreed and rolled his eyes. His buddy just wasn’t going to give it up.

“This would be hearing, not seeing.” A voice came from behind the darkened screen right before Skype turned back on and Aaron’s face appeared. “You’re not my type Deputy Marshal Sinacola.”

“I’m everyone’s type.” Kreed obviously took offense at being shot down.

“In your dreams,” Aaron responded, and Mitch had to laugh because Kreed was actually pouting now as he leaned back in the chair.

“What did you find?” Mitch finally quit laughing long enough to ask.

“He looks pretty clean too. The bureau has a way to get inside there, but nothing abnormal,” Aaron said, all business again.

“Okay, thanks. I need another favor,” Mitch said.

“They’re stacking up,” Aaron replied, smiling at him.

“Whatever—” He started to speak but Kreed cut him off.

“Is that the guy who took over your character?”

“That’s fuckin’ right. I told you the last time you took over my Marcus and let the zombies eat him that I was kickin’ your ass.” Mitch spoke to Aaron, ignoring Kreed.

“So that’s the guy? Very cool. He was pissed off about that for weeks,” Kreed said.

“Knox doesn’t play fair,” Aaron replied.

“By fair, he means I was kicking his ass. I need another favor since you owe like a million of them for that bullshit. I need a list with background information of every member of the Secret Service assigned to Senator Greyson and his family. If you can find exact times and schedules, I’d appreciate that, too,” Mitch said, feeling the loss of Marcus again. He’d played forever to get that far into the game.

“Sure thing, by when?” Aaron asked.

“Tomorrow?” Mitch questioned, hoping for sooner. “And this needs to stay on the DL.”

“Doesn’t it all?”

“Yeah, pretty much,” Mitch agreed.

“All right, I’ll stay on these computers, see if anyone tries to get in this week, but then I’m off for a few days.” Aaron’s eyes were downcast, working on something, even as he kept the conversation going.

“You’re going offline, like on a vacation?” Mitch sound incredulous.

“Going to the Keys. My brother’s getting married, best man and all that bullshit,” Aaron answered.

“Thanks for doing this before you go. I’ll mark it off the long list you still owe me.”

“Not a problem.” And then Aaron was gone. Skype turned off.

“He’s hot. I can’t believe you haven’t introduced us. Why haven’t you set me up with him?” Kreed asked.

“A list of reasons. First, I’m pretty sure he’s straight. Second, I can’t really see how you’re his type, and third, he’s a seriously smart computer geek. You’re barking up the wrong tree, Sinacola.” Mitch lowered his laptop on another yawn.

“Hmm… Those sound like excuses. I’m heading out. Call me if you need me. If not, I’ll be in touch as soon as I get to Louisiana,” Kreed said, rising from the chair and stretching out his long body. Size for size, Kreed matched Mitch. He certainly beat Kreed in the tattoo count, though.

“Thanks, man,” Mitch stood, keeping his phone palmed in his left hand as he shook Kreed’s right. “So your gut says someone from the inside’s involved?”

“Possibly yes. Maybe just feeding information out. They aren’t big enough to tap you yet, but it does look like you got your first break in a pretty big way. Now, go figure out who it is,” Kreed said, opening the door. “Later.”

Mitch closed the door behind him before placing Connors’s laptop back in his room and shutting and locking that door as well. He had a phone call to make.

Chapter 15

Cody rode with the window to his patrol car rolled down, enjoying the warmth of the October evening sun. He drove the long stretch of the country road, easily navigating the sweeping turns and speed changes like a guy who had traveled these roads for most of his life, which technically was completely true. The only difference in today than any other before, after the end of this shift, he had two weeks of vacation, then he’d be trading in his Dodge Charger for a horse named Ranger.

Cody smiled with pride at being selected for the new detail. This evening, he would turn in his keys and clear out his desk, then he’d be off for his two weeks of R&R.

As the street came to an end, Cody slowed and gave a nod to a gardener watering the flowers outside the old nursery in town. He pulled off the road, somewhat hidden behind a cluster of trees. He thought he’d spend the next few hours clocking drivers who loved to speed past this intersection, before heading back to the office.

Earlier today, he’d heard the women at headquarters whispering about a small party in honor of his new assignment. He was certain the celebration would include some of Darlene’s homemade chocolate cake. First his mom’s cake and now Darlene’s, two of his favorite desserts, all in the same day. Cody wasn’t quite sure life got any better than that.

As Cody settled in, his personal cell phone caught him off guard. It was too early in the evening to be called back to the office, beside they would do that through dispatch and his family never interrupted while he was on duty. Cody pulled the phone from his front pocket. He didn’t recognize the number and the ID came up as United States. Now, that was completely weird. With a slide of his finger, he answered the phone.

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