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Full Disclosure (Nice Guys 2)

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“When can he leave?” Mitch asked.

“Probably in the next day or two,” his father answered.

“Can he travel?” He had to dodge two women who were huffing and puffing, slowly pulling their oversized suitcases behind them.

“With some pain, yes, but you’ll have to talk to him about that. I think there may be some resistance to that idea,” his father answered.

“From him?”

“No, just everyone here wants to take care of him.” Mitch let that settle in. He was glad Cody had a community wanting him well, but he wanted Cody out of there, hidden. Tucked away from anyone that could hurt him.

“What’s he doing now?”

“When I left his room, he was sleeping.”

“All right. When you see him again, tell him I’m thinking about him. I’ll call him tonight when I get a chance. If you can get him alone, tell him we got the guy, but only if that’s alone.”

“Good work, Son.” His dad seemed proud.

“Thanks, but we should have had him before now.” Mitch could see the exit just a few feet away. God, he wanted to talk to that son-of-a-bitch that shot Cody.

“Don’t do that to yourself, Son. No one’s more dedicated to this case than you,” his dad said. Mitch was silent as he followed Kreed to an unmarked car parked in the front of the airport, a driver waiting inside.

“Dad, tell him I’ll call him tonight. Thank you for being there.”

“I will. I won’t leave the hospital until we talk again,” his father promised.

“Thank you.” Mitch disconnected the call as they headed to the detainment center.

“He was arrested without incident. Skinner had the place swarming with our guys. He walked off the flight, picked up what was happening, and surrendered to them. They’re holding him on-site until we get done with him. He’ll be booked and taken to Petersburg in the morning. That gives us about twelve hours to get what we can,” Kreed informed.

“Have they talked to him at all?” Mitch asked.

“Minimal. They’re waiting. Connors is holding everyone off. He’s kind of being a little badass. Barking orders ‘cause he’s got the highest clearance on-site right now.”

“Thank god it’s Sunday.” Mitch sat back in his seat and prayed the drive would go quickly.

“Yeah, thank god or we wouldn’t get this chance with him. So, you got a plan?” Kreed asked, and Mitch turned and looked his way.

“I just need a confession. However that happens is my plan.”

“Okay, buddy, sounds good to me, we’ll get something.” Kreed assured him with those final words, and Mitch knew this rested squarely on his shoulders.


With herculean effort, Mitch pushed Cody from his mind and stood there staring through the double-paned glass window at Agent Langley. He sat at a table in a small room, his hands linked together, staring back at the darkened window, completely alone. He looked like he didn’t have a care in the world.

Connors had the Austin surveillance camera footage printed as well as the voice audio extracted and burned to his computer, all in an effort to convince Agent Langley to talk. In Mitch’s mind, of course they had their guy. The video feed was perfect. The voice recording an exact match. Crazier things had happened to free fugitives, but they had done the best they could in pulling this case together very quickly.

Mitch could feel the tick in his jaw working the longer he stood there. This was going to be an hours-long process. The guy was trained to keep his mouth shut. He also knew the law. All he needed was time.

“Let me go in.” Mitch didn’t take his eyes off the man sitting in the small room.

“There are better trained interrogators. I’ve called in favors—” Connors started.

“I have a way of getting under people’s skin faster than anyone. It’s the only way he’ll talk,” Mitch cut Connors off.

“Knox, you have to be careful.”

“Just let me in there. I’ve got a plan. It’ll take a few times, but I’ll get him talking.” Mitch opened the door to the room, not waiting for permission. He checked his sidearm with the security guard at the door. He didn’t trust himself not to shoot the guy where he sat, which would be incredibly satisfying in the short term, but not so much as he sat in prison for the rest of his life.

He entered the interrogation room. Agent Langley’s eyes connected with his, and he held the stare until the agent turned away. There was no look of remorse in the guy’s gaze. Nothing that indicated he knew how much trouble he was actually in. Mitch glared at him, coming to stand directly in front of him. He crossed his arms over his chest, letting the bulk of his muscles be as imposing as intended.

“You were looking for me?” Mitch cocked his head to the side, studying the guy. “I’m here. I’m not sure I heard your message clearly. Care to repeat it?”

“I have a right to an attorney. I’m exercising that right.”

“We both know this is bigger than that. You can’t target a senator’s kid and keep all your rights. I’ll make a deal with you… You talk, confess what you’ve done, why you did it, and who else you’re working with, and you might get a nice plea deal.” The guy smirked at Mitch.

“I’m exercising my right to an attorney.”

“Ain’t gonna happen. You’re a big enough man to target unsuspecting men, but not big enough to have that conversation with me now? I fuck men, but you know that, don’t you? We have positive ID of you at the scene of the crime in Austin.” Mitch grinned as Langley gave the slightest narrowing of the eyes before forcing the passive features back in place. “Got anything to say now?”

“I want my attorney.”

“Ain’t gonna happen, we’ve got you now.” Mitch placed both hands on the table, leaning in. “What’d you do, follow me?”

“Attorney,” the agent said.

“Was this all a big show to gain my attention? Did I turn you down at one point? You aren’t my normal type. I tend to like my men younger and prettier than you.” Mitch leaned completely in, getting in the guy’s personal space.

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