Full Disclosure (Nice Guys 2) - Page 111

“I thought you made an arrest,” Cody asked as he sat down.

“We did, I’m just covering my bases,” Mitch said, helping to adjust him until he sat comfortably. “I’m not taking any more chances where you’re concerned.”

“Ah…” He heard a collective sigh from his sister and mom behind him.

“I like Mitch,” his mom said in a soft voice.

“Me too,” Sheila actually agreed, which was just very weird all in itself. When he turned in Mitch’s direction, Mitch’s eyes were on his family. He was smiling broadly, making his dimples stand out more than usual.

God, he was in trouble.


Three black Tahoes sat in an underground garage. Mitch understood this was overkill and a waste of taxpayers’ dollars, but he didn’t care. Cody was too important a package to not arrive in one piece. As far as Mitch was concerned, he’d have Cody under lock and key for eternity to make sure this never happened to him again.

Once Cody realized this was his transportation, he jerked a panicked gaze up to Mitch. As a matter of fact, every eye looked at him as though wondering what he had planned, but he ignored them all and moved forward, giving everyone their riding assignment.

“Your dad and I are hoping for a bait and switch. Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Sheila, and my father are in the front SUV. The driver’s a deputy marshal friend of mine based out of Dallas. Y’all are going to take the long way home. The two SUVs behind you are blacked out for show. If the media takes the bait, they’ll follow your parents,” Mitch explained.

“We’re going home by way of Round Rock before we cut back and take Dr. Knox to the airport,” his father added. Round Rock had to be at least an hour north of where the Turner’s lived.

“I thought you said you got the guy,” Cody questioned again, concern entering his voice.

Mitch leaned in. “We did. Shhh, you’re giving me a complex.”

“Oh, that’ll throw them off, for sure. How are you two getting home?” Sheila questioned.

“Once I know they followed, we’ll go to the farm in my rental,” Mitch detailed. “If it all works out right, we’ll be at your parent’s house about the time you hit Round Rock. I’ll call you, Mr. Turner,” Mitch continued, pushing Cody with him to the truck to open the door and help the others inside. His good friend Brody Masters was the driver of this truck, and he hopped out, helping everyone inside.

“Dr. Knox, I’ve known your son a long time, sir. He’s had my back more times than I can count.” Brody extended a hand to his father who’d gotten in on Mitch’s side. Mitch had called in all those favors Brody owed and got him down here to make this run.

“He’s a good son,” Dr. Knox said, taking Brody’s hand. His father smiled brightly at the compliment. That had Mitch narrowing his brow and listening closer. Something wasn’t right, but he’d slept about a minute the last few days, and it didn’t connect right away.

“I bet he is. Sir, I’ve got a son that I adore…” Brody started, giving Mitch the eye and everything connected then. Colt’s autograph.

“You’re such a douche.” Mitch chuckled and immediately glanced around at every one. “I’m sorry for the language. Don’t bother my pop about that, Masters. I’ll get the autograph next week.”

“What did I miss?” his dad asked, humor in his eyes.

“Mitch’s is my son’s god-uncle,” Brody started with laughter in his voice.

“I’m not, Dad. Don’t listen to anything he has to say. I’ve seen his son once, and that was years ago. Get your ass in the car and shut up, Masters.” Mitch shut the door on his side and motioned for his dad to roll down the window. “Call me when you get to the airport.”

Dr. Knox nodded and patted his arm. “Cody, it was a pleasure, son. I want you two to come to New York as soon as you can travel.”

“Thank you, sir,” Cody’s voice sounded off, and Mitch turned back to look at him. Mitch smiled, when he discovered his tired cowboy had been in the middle of a yawn.

“Get going. I’ve got to get him home. Call me to confirm they followed you guys, Mr. Turner,” Mitch said, going back to Cody, not waiting for an answer.

Mitch loaded Cody into his SUV. He got him settled, adjusted the seat back some, and Cody closed his eyes. He waited as he listened to the reports coming his way. When Mr. Turner finally called, his heart was relieved. Most of the media followed along behind the decoy caravan.

Mitch put the rental in drive and slowly pulled out of the parking garage. He took the back way that Mr. Turner had told him about, and as they hit the highway, he felt home-free. He could get Cody home without drama. Mitch looked over, and Cody was awake, staring at him.

“Are you really feeling all right?”

Cody nodded. “It’s more my chest where the phone embedded in my skin. I’m just sore and bruised. I wanna know everything that went down.”

“I’ll tell you everything tonight. I promise. Your parents invited me to spend the night.” Mitch smiled.

“If you’re gonna be there, I could just go home,” Cody tried again.

“No, everyone knows where you live now. You need to be away from everything. We should really go to my family’s house,” Mitch tried again to get Cody to agree.

“I don’t want this to be the first way I meet them,” Cody said, lifting his bandaged arm. “Your dad came all this way.”

“You’re a hardheaded man, Cody Turner. Good thing I’m so head over heels or I might have to question this.” His teasing worked, and Cody gave him a smile. Mitch reached over and patted Cody’s thigh. “Sleep. The medicine makes you tired. We can talk later.”

“Are you staying in town for a while?” Cody asked.

“Yeah. I’ll have to give my final reports and probably fly back to DC at least once, but I’m taking vacation after that. I already told Skinner. I have about a million hours, so I can stick around and help get you solidly back on your feet.”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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