Seduced by the Spare Heir - Page 44

Then he shook his head. Backing up, he nearly ran into someone else, then turned and pushed his way through the crowd back to the stairs. Serafia could barely make out the sounds of shouts and words of concern. Patrick climbed back out of the submarine, calling toward Gabriel, but he didn’t stop. He leaped up the stairs, finally colliding with Serafia as he reached the top.

He looked at her, but his eyes were wild with panic. It seemed almost as if he didn’t really see her at all.

“I’m so sorry, Gabriel. I forgot all about the submarine. I would’ve warned you if I remembered.”

He looked at her, his expression hardening. There was venom in his gaze, a place where she’d only ever seen attraction and humor. She reached out for his arm, but he shoved it aside and took a step back.

“It’s not a big deal,” she reassured him. “They can go on ahead without you. I’m sure you’re not the only person who doesn’t fancy the idea of a ride in that thing.”

The look on his face made it clear that he didn’t agree. It was a big deal, at least to him. Without saying a word, he turned and took off down the metal-grated walkway toward the helipad.

“Gabriel, stop! Wait!” she shouted as she pursued him, but he kept on going. She finally gave up just as she was overtaken by the press. They pushed her aside as they chased Gabriel, but before they could reach him, she spied the helicopter rising over the top of the rig.

With nothing else she could do, Serafia stood and watched the helicopter disappear into the horizon. Once it was gone, all she could see, all she could think of, was the look of utter betrayal on his face. He blamed her for this. And maybe he should. She’d made a very big error today.

“What happened?” The prime minister stopped beside her, his brow pinched in confusion. “Is the prince okay? He looked quite ill.”

“I don’t know,” Serafia said. She wasn’t going to be the one to tell him, and any of the surrounding reporters, that Gabriel was claustrophobic. That would make it seem as if she was deliberately trying to undermine him. He should’ve been the one to say it. All it would’ve taken was a polite pass and he could’ve avoided it. Instead, he’d run like he’d been ambushed.

A sinking feeling settled into Serafia’s stomach at the thought. Was that what Gabriel believed she was doing? This was just one oversight, but when added to the string of other problems they’d had over the last week, did it add up to the appearance of sabotage? He couldn’t possibly believe she’d do that to him. He hadn’t given that newspaper article a second thought.

Or had he?

Serafia feared he’d begun to suspect her. That look had said everything. Serafia had ruined it. She hadn’t meant to, but she’d ruined her relationship with Gabriel before it ever started.

* * *

Even though Gabriel had his driver take him back to Playa del Onda right away, he was discouraged to find Hector already waiting for him there. Judging by his press secretary’s dour expression, the news of the incident on the oil rig had beaten Gabriel home. He just wanted to take off his tie, pour a glass of scotch and relax, but Hector was the hitch in that plan.

“Where’s Serafia?” he asked as Gabriel blew past him.

“I don’t know. I left her at the oil platform.”

Hector made a thoughtful noise and followed him into the den. Gabriel poured a drink and ripped off his tie before collapsing onto the couch. “Why?”

“Well, I wanted to speak to you privately about those rumors. I’m concerned that the Espinas may be trying to undermine your coronation.”

Gabriel was tired of hearing about this. “We’ve discussed this already.”

“Yes, but that was before the prime minister called and briefed me about what happened today. He was concerned about you. He’d heard about the incident at the winery, as well.”

Great. Now they were talking about him and his issues behind his back. “I don’t do well in small spaces,” Gabriel explained. “When I start having a panic attack, I have a very aggressive flight response. I overreact, I’m aware of that, but in the moment, I just have to get away from the situation. All the pressure I’m under to be poised and perfect every moment is just making it that much worse because I try to fight my way through it and it doesn’t work. Then I feel like a fool.”

Hector listened carefully. “I’ll make certain we don’t have these issues in the future. In exchange, I ask that you speak up when you’re uncomfortable so we don’t make a bigger scene out of it. Does Serafia know about your claustrophobia?”

Tags: Andrea Laurence Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024