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Loebs' Fall (Happily Ever Stalker)

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I don’t know what she expected from my place, but the gasp from her mouth proves it isn’t what she is seeing. “Wow,” she says as she walks around the front of the car. “Your home” I chuckle at her description. I try looking at it from her viewpoint.

During a mission we went to in Japan, freeing a young boy who was being held captive by a Japanese militia. He was the son of an Ambassador, who was being commissioned by the U.S. to develop technology for Smart houses that could also be used for safe houses as untraceable shields. The JM deemed him a traitor and when he was threatened to stop working for us and refused, they took his son as a bargaining tool. I led the rescue mission and when I returned his son to him, he designed a prototype for me.

“I am glad you like it. Come on. Let me feed you.” The rose color on her cheeks tells me the double meaning is not lost on her. I’m glad because I mean. I am going to stuff her hungry belly before feeding her greedy pussy.

“Something smells delicious,” she says walking toward the stove.

“I had Meridian make chili for us once I knew you were coming with me. “

“Who is Meridian? Is she… your...”

“She is my housekeeper/cook.” I walk toward her, intent on making sure she hears me. “There is no one and there will be no one but you.” My thumb traces her cute face as I take in her face. I admire that everything about her is transparent and open, but it is also dangerous. Trained to give nothing away, I know the dangers of being vulnerable.

“How can you be so sure?” she asks, her tongue peeking out to touch my thumb before she pulls it back.

“That, right there is how I know, baby. As shy and reserved as you are, I can see the fight within you the minute we are in the same space. Do you know what that is, Nova?”

“I really don’t,” she says honestly. “You make me feel and react in ways I have never before. I don’t feel…myself around you and I don’t know how I feel about that,” she says, shrugging her shoulders. I get it. I don’t feel like myself around her either. The difference is, she brings out the darker, baser side of me. She makes me feral…rabid…jealous and out of control. It’s a miracle she is still able to move freely since I have found her. Deciding I need to give her something so she doesn’t feel open by herself, I tell her as much of the truth as I can without scaring the shit out of her.

“I don’t feel myself around you either. Being level-headed and calm is sort of in the job description of what I do, but with you, I feel anything but.” her eyes widen at my confession and in them I see hope. Like a twinkle of happiness that she is not in this alone. She recovers quickly.

“So,” she starts clearing her throat, “how can I help? Maybe I can set the table?” I smile at the change of subject.

“That sounds great. I figure I will throw together a salad to go with the chili and then we can eat.”

“Great.” I show her where everything is, mentioning little hints of how she has the option to change anything that doesn’t work for her, wanting her mind to keep this info safe so it can begin to grow. Opening Spotify on my phone, I open up my playlist and press shuffle. I figured this called for some music. Especially my type of music. I am not only feeding her, but I am seducing her, and I will use everything I can.

We move around the kitchen like a well-oiled machine for a while getting dinner ready. Finally, everything is set. I look at the table and quirk my eyebrow, noticing she has seated herself on the opposite side of the table. When I begin moving her table mat and dishes to the chair next to me, I hear her giggle. It loosens something inside of me, allowing a hint of light to seep in. “Are you going to be trouble, baby?” I ask her, grabbing her chin between my forefinger and thumb.

“Maybe,” she says cheekily. I shake my head and kiss her mouth.

“Good. I will relish a reason to spank that fat ass.” I smack it for effect and chuckle when she gasps. Winking, I pull out her chair and wait for her to sit before taking my seat. We eat in silence for a bit, both of us I think, soaking in the feeling of just being with one another.

“So, you mentioned your ‘line of work’ earlier. What is that exactly?” I fight grinding my teeth. I get defensive about my work partly because I can’t really talk about it. With her though, I want to tell her everything. Be split open so she can see me, the me I show no one else. I want her to have access to my insides. I want to give her the ability to splay me, gut me, and make me reborn. But, for her own safety, I have to tread lightly.

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