Loebs' Fall (Happily Ever Stalker) - Page 16

“That’s what he called me too,” I say before slapping my hand over my mouth. I don’t know where that came from.

“Oooh chile. It’s about time and just in time too. This Wednesday is couples night and you will finally be able to bring someone,” She reminds me. I allow myself to be excited for a second, then reality sets in.

“Girls, he is not the type to want to come clubbing with us and your boyfriends. He is a bit more…mature and experienced for that.” I tell them, my heart breaking a little.

“Did you ask him?” Vanessa asks me, sipping from her Bellini tea.

“Well, no but…”

“Then you don’t know. He might surprise you. At least give him the chance to decline. Ok?” Looking at each of them, I know they are right. I like him. Hell, I am pretty sure I am falling for him is not already there and I want to be able to share my circle with him.

“Ok. I will ask him.” Tonight when I talk to him. My mom and dad are due back in town so I won’t be staying with him for a while. My body hums thinking about the last few days. My mind and body are both already with him, craving him, calling him. I don’t know how I am going to do this.

Lunch with the girls is over and I decide to walk home instead of Ubering. For the first two blocks, everything seems fine. It's a route I take often and without incident. By block three, the hairs on my arms begin tingling and I swear someone is watching me. I stop a few times and look behind me but I see nothing and no one. My speed picks up and my heart begins to pound. It is not a feeling I am used to.

My mind is so far away, I don’t notice the car in the driveway until my dad opens the door. “Cupcake,” he says, pulling me in for a hug. I wrap my arms around the first man to make me feel safe and inhale the smell of his scotch and lemons from his aftershave.

“Hi daddy,” I say walking inside.

“I was worried when you were not home when we got here, then the alarm your mom set reminded me it was your lunch with the ladies. How is everyone?” he asks, pouring me some tea.

“It was great. How was your trip?” I ask, picking up my teacup. Looking around, I note how quiet it is and wonder where my mom is. “Speaking of, where is mom?” I watch a myriad of emotions cross his face including nerves and anger before he schools his features and clears his throat.

“She decided to go to Pennsylvania and see her sister. You know, it's been a while,” he says before turning toward his phone. He is avoiding something. I just don't know what it is, but something tells me when I find out, I won’t like it.

Chapter Nine


Turning my headlights off, I turn the corner leading, my car crawling down the block toward the house that holds my enemy and my new love and at this very moment, both of them are inside. This is the first night she has not slept over me or under me in three days and I am half out of my mind. My skin is itching like an unwashed rash, not being able to touch her all day and night, which is why I am once again, getting out of my car, crawling up the tree on the second floor, opening her window, and skulking in like a common criminal. I guess for her I am any and everything.

My eyes adjust to the darkness and rest upon her sleeping figure. My eyes caress her semi-nude figure, legs spread like an open invitation to take what I now own. I am standing at the foot of her bed, my cock trying to force his way out of my pants, my hands twitching, craving the feel of her soft warm skin, yet it is not lost on me that I could walk down the hallway and end her father, with her in the house and she would never know it was me.

I could kill him, exsanguinate him, watching from the shadows as he bled out, without seeing where it comes from, but in doing that, I would be cutting off my nose to spite my face. He is the key to piecing together all of the puzzle and for that, we have to be able to follow the path he walks at every turn until we have all the answers. Ever since the information from LT telling me of the sleeper agents, every moment when I wasn’t fucking the tightest pussy in the state, I have been searching and digging. I should be doing that now, but the lull was too potent. I find my mind couldn’t stay focused. All my training has been outdone, torn apart by the taste of her pussy, the sweetness of her laugh and the space in her heart I can see her making for me.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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