Loebs' Fall (Happily Ever Stalker) - Page 18

“Tiff what are you doing here?” I ask her to make sure to let out my annoyance and distaste for her show.

“I missed you big boy. Better yet, she…missed you,” she says rubbing her hand over her barely covered pussy.

“I thought I told you we were done. You know I don’t backtrack. Now, I will forget you were here if you leave now,” I say, giving her my back and grabbing my boxing gloves off the counter.

“Leave? Don’t you want to...” she comes up behind me but before she can touch me, I move to the side, my skin crawls thinking of someone else touching me.

“What you did was fucking illegal, glitter. I told you your pussy has lost its…flare. That’s what happens when it is the main attraction for an entire city. Now, I won’t say it again. Get. The. Fuck. Out,” I tell her, making sure to stare into her eyes so she knows.

“Screw you, you twisted fuck. No other bitch is going to take the sick shit you like to do the way I do. You’ll come back. Just wait.” I wait for her to grab her shit and walk out before I take out everything in my bags.

I have to do something about her. Can’t have her showing up when Nova is here. Have never hurt a woman before, but if she is not careful…she will be my next target.

Chapter Ten


Where in the hell are all my underwear disappearing to? I wonder in frustration as I rush around to get dressed. I overslept this morning. This doesn’t happen to me. I am always up before my alarm and ready for the day. However, I was floating around in this dream of Loeb in my bedroom, whispering in my ear that I won’t be here long. As crazy as it sounds, it made me feel safe and put me deeper into my slumber. Hell. Even my dreams of him are sexy and amazing. Be this as it may, I am now late for class with Professor Handsy. Done looking for underwear, I throw on my jeans and a tank, grab my sweater and walk downstairs.

Nothing about today is starting off good. Not only am I going commando to school, but I didn’t have time to do my hair and makeup. I am in lounge around the house clothes and I don’t even care. The house is quiet, which is not surprising since my father is hardly ever here when I leave in the morning. For a guy who supposedly retired, he sure is gone a lot. “Shit,” I say to myself when I see I forgot to set the coffee pot last night. Add that to the list of crappy stuff already this morning.

Grabbing my keys, I see a note sitting on my shoulder bag. I look around, but I still see no one. Picking it up, I am surprised to see it is from my father.

Nova, I wanted to be there when you left this morning so I could discuss this with you, but you didn’t awaken before I had to leave. I know this is going to sound strange and make me a crazy old man, but some weird things have been going on and I would just feel better if maybe you stayed in the house for a few days. Please, for me. I know you have a life sweet girl, so, if this request is impossible, can you at least page my detail at the number below and allow one of the men to escort you? I love you and I promise I will explain tonight when I get in from my meetings.

Love Always,


I won’t lie and say my nerves are not firing on all cylinders when he says weird things, especially given how I am sure someone is stealing my panties no matter how absurd it sounds. However, my mom has always accused him of being paranoid…something about his past job. I have grown up my whole life with us being followed around by armed security and such. Something you would expect if your father is the president or maybe a billionaire of a Fortune 500 company, but to be real, I have no clue what he used to do and what he does now when he isn’t here. I have always been told his job is to help keep us safe. Vague, but it is all I have ever gotten.

I don’t shrug his warning or request off, but right now, I have to get to class. Sighing once more at the lack of caffeine I am going to have to try to live without, I turn and drop my keys as I gasp. “Morning baby.” The man of my dreams says to me, leaning against his car.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” I ask him, running my hands through my hair, as self-consciousness takes me because of how I look.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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