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Loebs' Fall (Happily Ever Stalker)

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“Who do you love?” I jump halfway to the ceiling hearing his voice. I don’t turn to him, needing a second to fix my face so the fear doesn’t show. “Nova.” his voice booms, sending my already speeding heart into hyperspace. I turn slowly. “I asked you a question.'' He moves towards me, prowling like a lion.

“M-my father.” Inwardly I roll my eyes at my stutter, chastising myself for being such a coward.

“I was waiting for the call,” he says, smirking. It's not his usual sexy smirk. I note a bit of something…sinister. No. It can’t be. I have to be reading too much into it. But his comment is interesting.

“What do you mean?” Please say something sensical.

“Well a man as powerful as your father, having you followed everywhere you go, I expected him to have my plates run as soon as we left and I knew he would find nothing when he did.”

Oh God. My dad was right. What have I done?

Chapter Thirteen


My gut is churning. Physically rolling as the fear and distrust now embedding itself in her shows in the way she stiffly tries not to back away from me. I knew I was playing with fire when I demanded we go back to her house knowing her father was in town. I expected him the run the plate and panic like any father that loves their child would. I anticipated he would contact her right after he figured out it was a dummy plate to warn and try to get a location to my home. Hell, I even figured he would attempt to trace her call to a location hence the reason I have a signal jumper attached to my wifi making it impossible to trace any call I make unless you want to end up in the Pacific Ocean. What I didn’t expect was the pain it is causing me as I look in her eyes and see doubt and trepidation.

“What do you mean?” she asks, her voice quivering and uneasy.

“Well, a man as powerful as your father, having you followed everywhere you go, I expected him to have my plates ran as soon as we left and I knew he would find nothing when he did.” Her eyes open wide and she takes a step back from me.

“Wh-why would your license plate not come back to you?” Smart, brave girl.

“Are you scared of me now baby?” I know I should answer her question, but I need to know where her head is. I need to know how much damage I have done in this short amount of time.

“No. Not…really. Just confused and…weary.”

“That’s good, baby. Real good. It would kill me if you were scared of me. I would shoot myself before I hurt you, Nova.'' She smiles at me but doesn’t walk closer. “I know you want answers and I will give you what I can, but not right now. I want us to go out with your friends and have fun. Can you give me that?” she cocks her head to the side, examining me. I swear I feel her eyes inside my soul, ripping open the things I have kept sealed and it scares the shit out of me. But it also feels…cathartic.

“Will you talk to me tonight?” she asks, chewing her lip.

“Yes.” I hold my hand out to her, the meaning clear. If she takes my hand she is trusting me unequivocally, answers not yet given. She waits a beat before putting her hand in mine and I fucking swallow the bile that was threatening to swarm my mouth thinking of her not coming to me.

“Ok.” she says right before I pull her to me, locking her against my chest.

“Thank you for your trust baby. Now, is there anything I should know before you throw me in the hen house?” I ask her, taking off my clothes so I can hop in the shower.

“Well, Fabi’s boyfriend, Kirk, is a police officer. Out of all of the guys he is the one I am closest to.” I would be laughing if I said that didn’t gut punch me. I knew from ‘watching’ her about the relationships in her life, but hearing her fondness for another man from her own lips makes the territorial beast in me awaken. “Eva’s boyfriend, Wes, is a chef who makes the best cakes in the state and Vanessa’s finance, Daniel, is a Teacher. They are all my brothers.” I smile. It does make me happy knowing she has support though.

“Is there a dress code or something I should be aware of?” I know the guys usually wear a button up and some jeans, but I am trying to make this normal.

“Whatever makes you comfortable babe,” she says walking into the closet. I stand there for a second watching her ass sway back and forth in her red thong. If I didn't respect how important this night is for her, I would fuck her on my carpet, letting the carpet burn remind her who she belongs to.

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