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Loebs' Fall (Happily Ever Stalker)

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“Please. Please.” I mumble, rolling my head around trying to fight the dizziness. He flattens his tongue and licks my slit. The wetness drips down the crack of my ass, making everything sensitive.

“Ah fuck, baby. You taste like mine. God. My intention was to drive you crazy all night, but the joke's on me. I’m losing my god damn mind.” He moves up and grips my thighs, impaling me, pulling me flush against his hips.

“Ahhh.'' We both scream, everything is too much. He moves in and out, bouncing me on and off his cock, cursing and blaming me for turning him into a monster. I hear him saying words, other than those but god I feel him everywhere. Every time he drags his length against my walls, I get a jolt of electricity through my body. He is a shot of morphine running through me, dulling everything around me but the feeling of him.

“This pussy is everything baby.” our mouths mate, wet and without finesse. His hips move faster as we both race to the end. I have been holding it this entire time, waiting for him. “Breed me a family, baby. Make me a daddy.” he commands as he ruts into me faster and with intent. His words should scare me but they do the opposite. They sent me soaring, flying above myself as visions of what we could have swirl around me. I want all of it.

My head laying on his chest, I rub the scars littered across him and I am finally done being too scared to ask. “You said we would talk. So, tell me about you.” he tenses up before answering.

“What do you want to know?”

“Everything. Where are your parents?” I am not sure he is going to answer me or what I would do if he didn’t.

“My mom died when I was 4 from Leukemia. My father blamed me and never bothered trying to pretend I was anything other than an obligation he had no choice but to endure once she died.” My heart breaks for him, my strong, stubborn man who treats me like spun gold.

“I’m sorry.” my words are inadequate, but from the heart.

“Don’t be. See, my mother was 19 and my father was 35 when they met and married. I don’t know the particulars. All I know is that my dad was obsessed with her. She was the one thing he wanted, acquired and treasured above all else. Looking back, I can see how her innocence and beauty enthralled him. When she got pregnant with me a year after they married, she discovered she had leukemia. The doctors gave her a choice. Take the drug and lose the baby or keep the baby and eventually lose her life. She chose me. He never wanted children, so to him, I was the parasite that took his wife.”

“Loeb.” I cry for him.

“Don’t cry precious. I endured his beatings and mental abuse. Then, when I turned 18, I enlisted in the marines and eventually became a sniper. I did two tours in Afghanistan and then retired. Shortly after I was tapped by my old LT to join his black ops teams doing recovery and takedowns on foreign soil. As you know that is illegal but the U.S. sends us on these missions especially when it involves multiple countries.”

“That sounds dangerous.”

“It is. It also makes us vulnerable to our enemies. So, even here on our own soil, we are invisible. Hence why the dummy plates. We have to remain off the radar as much as possible so our enemies cannot find us and our families.” Wow. I was not expecting that answer but I feel better knowing there is a logical, albeit wild explanation.

“Thank you for sharing that with me.” I kiss his chest and snuggle further into him.

“I want to share everything with you.” is all I hear before I pass out. I could live like this forever.

It has been a week since I have been here with Loeb and everyday is better. We have gone out, added another date night with the girls and even started having our contest to see who is the better cook. In between that time I have gone home and grabbed more things. Just this morning I was in the bathroom and as I looked around, I saw more and more of my stuff sitting beside his. It never occurred to me that I was slowly moving in.

I went home yesterday morning because my mom was supposed to come back from my aunts, but she never showed up. I called my aunties house but her housekeeper said she was in the alps. Mom never answered her phone and I haven’t seen my dad since the day I left, but he calls and checks on me, warning me not to trust Loe. Too late. He is becoming more than someone I am sleeping with. He is my protector, my friend and my champion. He listens to me when I talk to him. He believes in me and I love him.

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