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Loebs' Fall (Happily Ever Stalker)

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Chapter Sixteen


When I pull up to the airstrip, all of them get out of the Hummer and my heart beats a little with the show of loyalty. We board and LT pulls out a map. “This is a digital pic of the aerial view of the property. We sent in drones to try to get a view of the inside, but there were no open windows. It's locked up tight.”

“How many on the inside?”



“Ten.” Fucking amateurs. I look around at the men that served with me, rescued with me and lost with me and I know this is a piece of cake for us.

“Cake.” Halifax says.

“My sentiments exactly my friend.”

“Just to make things clear, because this is personal, the goal has to be getting her without casualties. Our end game is to take them all down dead or alive, but it has to be during the legit part of this. Got it?” LT deadpans. Everyone nods but me. I won’t make promises and they know it. A motherfucker gets in my way they will die. She is MINE and no one will keep her from me. Not even herself.


“Just keep those fucks away from me and no blood will be shed tonight. That is all I can promise.”

“Shit.” LT says scratching his head. Don't know why he is confused. I have never changed. Now I just have something to fight for.

We touch down at the airstrip and the Hummers I asked Dario for while we were in the air are already here. Not surprisingly, he is also inside of one. “I thought you could use some extra guys. This is my right hand Click, and my left hand Scar. In the other Hummer you have Trigger and Snipe. I assume their names tell you their specialty."

“Thank you. I just needed the cars.”

“I know. Things have been a bit…quiet for us. We needed the excitement.” I nod not knowing what else to say.

We drive for about an hour before the vehicles pull over. “This is about one mile from the property. Figure it might be more of a surprise if we go on foot from here.”

“Then load up and let’s go.” Weapons are loaded and vests are passed out. Once all is secure we walk through the woods. I see the mansion before we break the clearing. Holding my fist up, everyone stops moving for orders. “Dario can Sniper take the top of the hill?”

“You got it. You heard him Snipe. Stay stealthy.” he nods and goes toward the top of the hill. From that vantage point he can take out those we cannot see. Who gives a fuck about no blood.

“Dario, Click and Lairn, take the eastside. Scar, LT and Julius on me. Trigger, Halifax, westside. Seamus and Croix take up the flank. Everybody know their positions?”

“Got it.”



“Good. Keep comms open. The extraction of my woman is my primary mission. Anything is secondary. Kill who you have to. All else be damned.” Giving the signal we begin to move. My eyes scan as we move looking for movement and hidden points of entry.

“Maverick, six o clock.” I hear the shot before I turn and see the thug hit the floor. Looking up toward the hill I nod knowing he can see me through the scope.

“Thanks Sniper.”

“Ten-four.” I continue moving forward and see movement from my left. I blast two in his chest and keep going. We reach the entry and I don’t stop. All around me I hear gunfire and I send up a hail Mary that my team is ok, but I can’t stop. Not when I can feel the blood coursing through me letting me know she is close.

Inside, I signal for one to go left and the other right. Me and LT go up the stairs, back to back to cover each side. I know by now they know we are here. Hell with the sound of death and the smell of blood in the air how can they not. We reach the top and I nod. We each pick a side and move. First door. “Clear.” Second door. “Clear.” LT is clearing the rooms as he goes as well. Final door, I see Zakharov first, his gun aimed to his left as he faces me.

“Seems we underestimated you.” he says, his accent thick and malicious.

“Russians often think they are the biggest dick in the room.”

“You might not want to bait me when I have something you want.” It's when he says that, that Michaels comes forward holding Nova by the arm.

“Loeb.” she gasps, her face red and swollen.

“Hey baby. Are you ok?”

“I- don’t know what is happening.” she says crying looking at her father, the man who is supposed to protect her and keep her safe.

“You want to tell her, or should I?” I ask the men in the room.

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