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The Fake Girlfriend Rules

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“Mr. Brennan's a moron.” Doug pulls the basket closer and rips open the plastic wrapper around the muffins. “For Christ’s sake, you worked there for half a decade, he should know you can't eat gluten at this point.”

I roll my hand and nod. “Yeah, but who cares at this point. Right?”

“True,” he says as he pulls out a muffin and starts to peel the wrapper off. “So, when do you start your new job?”

“Hopefully next week. I should have my start date in a day or two. I think they're just waiting on a couple references.” I nod my head at the wine. “You going to pour me some of that or what?”

“Oh yeah, a double for the lady.” He pours three glasses of wine and pushes two of them my way. “Cheers to a fresh start,” he says, holding his glass out.

“Yeah, well, we'll see about that. I'm already a nervous wreck, and I still have some time before I start.”

“Lucky for you, you have such an awesome friend. Me, I'm talking about me.”

“I know who you're talking about, Doug,” I say with a giggle.

“Good, just clarifying. If shit hits the fan, I got your back, that's all you need to remember.”

“Thanks, Doug,” I say with a soft smile. “Where would I be without you?”

“I can think of a few places.” He gives me a wink, then takes a long sip of his wine.

Doug is head of productions for a movie company. He's worked hard to get where he is and deserves every dollar he makes. He's the only reason I'm going out on a limb and taking this new job. If this falls through for some reason, Doug's willing to cover our entire rent until I figure shit out.

That's the kind of guy he is. He'll carry you when you're down and push you when you need a boost. He's given me the confidence to spread my wings and try something new. Without him, I don't think I'd even attempt a new job. I'd probably still be behind the desk, working for Mr. Brennan, and getting gluten filled food from people who don't listen.

Doug shrugs his shoulder as he sips his wine. “You can just call me Sugar Daddy.”

I'm drinking my wine and almost spit it out when the words come out of his mouth. Laughing out loud, I shake my head. “Nope, not a chance in hell. And please, don't ever call yourself that again.”

“I don't know, I'd like to hear you say it first, see how it sounds.” He tilts the muffin in my direction as he takes a big bite. “I mean, it has a nice ring to it don't you think? Sugar Daddy. . .”

“I will never call you that, no matter how much you might beg me to.”

“You say that now, but when I lay those Benjamins down on the table, you'll think differently.” He flashes me a big smile and bounces his brows up and down. “Sugar Daddy,” he says again. “I really like the sound of that.”

“You're insane.”

“Insane or a genius?”

“Insane, I got it right the first time.”

“Come on now, you're not fooling anyone.” He takes another bite of the muffin, looking me straight in the eyes. “You're just saying that because you want to kiss me right now and you can't because this muffin I'm eating will make you sick as a dog. But if I weren’t eating this, you'd be planting those big lips on mine, and you know it.”

“In your dreams,” I say.

He stops moving, his lips turning into a straight line as he gives me a serious look. “How do you know what I've been dreaming about?”

Has he really had dreams about me? I can feel my cheeks start to blush.

Doug's lips start to crinkle and move as he's trying to hold back his smile. I know this look, I've seen it before. He's messing with me.

He can't stay serious for long, and busts out with laughter.

Fucking smart ass.

Shaking my head, I glare at him. “I'd never kiss you.”

He smirks as he stuffs the last bite of muffin in his mouth. “All right, fair enough,” he says, downing the rest of his wine, and standing up. “We'll have to talk about your dreams sometime, though, I'd like to know what goes on in that head of yours, but right now, I have some shopping to do. I need to go find something to wear.”

“For what?”

“For this client dinner tomorrow night. Well, hopefully she'll become a client. I need something nice to wear. Hey, why don't you come along? We can grab some dinner after. I'm sure you're hungry. Especially since you can't eat any of these.”

I think about it for a second. I don't have any plans for tonight, and my stomach is grumbling. “Yeah, okay, I'll come along. You'll need my help anyway because we both know you can't dress yourself for shit.”

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