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The Fake Girlfriend Rules

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“The taxi is going to be here in five minutes, just so you know.”

“Okay, I told you I just need a minute.”

The door opens and my jaw hits the floor. Lyllian is wearing a skintight, red dress that hits just below her knees. The halter top lifts her tits, creating the perfect amount of cleavage. Silver heels are making her calves pop and her legs look a mile long.

My mouth salivates, suddenly hungry to taste her smooth skin and lick her legs from ankle to hip. The curves on this girl are deadly, and can drop any man to his knees.

Her brown hair is curled and pulled up into a twist that's pinned against her scalp. Loose strands of hair frame her face, and her makeup makes her look flawless. Bold, thick lashes. Tinted pink cheeks. Glossy and plump lips. She's gorgeous. Like a painting coming alive right before my very eyes. I can't look away.

I'm staring at her. Just staring at her. I have no words.

“What?” she asks, looking down at herself. “Is it too much? Should I go change quick? I have another outfit ready if this doesn't work.””

I swallow hard, knocking myself out of the trance she put me in. “No, no, you look amazing.” Forcing my feet forward, I walk to her side.

“Really?” she asks, looking up at me and giving me a look that says she doesn't believe me. Her lids lower and her lips fold into a heavy frown. “Because you were speechless when I came out.”

“Speechless because of how incredible that dress looks on you. You look absolutely stunning, Lyl. You don't need to change a thing. You're perfect.” I take her hand and spin her in a slow circle. “You're going to turn heads tonight. Just don't forget that you have to leave with me.” I wink and chuckle.

“Don't get any ideas. Leaving with you doesn't mean sleeping with you. But thanks, Doug.” She shakes her hands in front of her and exhales an audible breath. “Is it weird that I'm a little nervous?”

“It's not weird. This isn't a normal situation. I don't want you to worry, though, you're going to do fine. I'd even bet you'll kill it tonight. And then tomorrow you can go back to being single.” I take a step back and hold out my arms. “What about me? Does this look good?”

“Handsome as always,” she says. “You should wear suits more often, it's a bit of a turn on.” Her red lips peel back into a big smile, and she waggles her eyebrows. “Suits are sexy.”

“Whoa now, don't turn on the girlfriend charm until we get there.” I flick the collar on my jacket and click my tongue against the roof of my mouth. “If you use it all now, it won’t be fresh later.”

“I should watch what I say because I'm going to boost your ego too much.” She laughs and slips her arm around mine. Her thin fingers fall over my forearm as she holds on tight. “You're going to have to help me walk. I'm afraid I might fall down the stairs in these heels.”

“I've got you, I won't let you fall.”

We go down the stairs, taking each one slow. The taxi is parked out front. I open her door and watch her ass as she climbs inside. Fuck, her ass looks hot in that dress. I can see the faint outline of her panties, and it makes my dick jerk in my pants.

Stop it! She's still just a friend!

None of this is real, I remind myself. This isn't a real date.

I climb in next to her, and it's torture having to keep my hands to myself. My fingers itch to touch her thighs, and my lips buzz to taste her skin. She's mouthwatering right now, and she hasn't got a clue.

We drive the short distance to the restaurant. Her hands are nervously fumbling in her lap as she stares out the window. I take her hand and pull it onto my leg.

“Don't worry, it's just dinner.” I give her hand a strong squeeze. “You're not going to be interrogated, Jim and I are. All you have to do is just be you.”

She feigns a smile. “I know, it's just scary that we have to lie about our relationship the entire night. I'm hoping we can pull it off.”

“We will, so long as Mrs. Gadory doesn't ask us to make out.”

Her mouth opens wide. “Doug—”

“I'm only kidding, just trying to loosen you up some. I'm serious though, just relax. It's all going to be fine. We're lying, but we also aren't strangers. I think all the years we've known each other is really going to help.”

“Yeah, you might be right about that.”

“I am right.”

Lyl lets me hold her hand as the taxi finds a spot to pull over. I don't let go of her hand as we get out, instead I hold her tighter.

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