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The Fake Girlfriend Rules

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The wine is going down nicely, a little too nicely. I'm feeling it, and so is Lyl. I can tell she's tipsy by her rosy cheeks and the cute little snort she makes when she laughs. She only does that when she's had a few drinks, and it makes me smile every time.

Lyllian glances over at me and places her hand on top of mine. Our fingers intertwine, and I pull her hand into my lap. It feels so good to hold her hand like this. A small piece of me wishes it could be like this all the time.

We already share everything else; I just need that little bit to make her mine. I know I can't. I know she'll never give it to me. Lyllian has walls, walls I can see but don't understand. I'm outside those walls.

So, I'm going to take what she never gives. I can't miss the opportunity to have her for right now. I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek. She blushes, her cheeks turning deep red as she softly bites her bottom lip and looks over at me. Her fingers tighten around mine, making my stomach twist up like corded rope.

This isn't real, Doug. Remember that. It's all a show.

By the time we finish dinner, I'm fairly certain that we nailed it and the project is ours. Eileen happily hugs Lyllian goodbye. Turning to me, she grins, and says, “We'll be in touch with our decision soon.”

Her husband shakes my hand, glancing over at his wife and whispering to me, “She's not usually this happy after a business meeting.” He gives me a stern nod, as if to say, Nice job.

We part ways on the street and I hail a cab. I hold the door and let Lyl climb in first. Her round, plump ass holds my attention as she slides into the back seat. She's sitting in the middle seat, pressing her arm right against my side as I sit down.

On the way here, she sat directly behind the driver, but not now. Now she's snuggled up close. The second I close the door, her head falls to my shoulder.

I lay my hand across the backseat, and she reaches up to grab it, pulling it around her neck. “I had fun tonight,” she says as she braids her fingers in mine. Her thumb swirls over the knuckle of my thumb, and she presses herself even closer.

“Me too. It turned out to be better than I expected. You did great. Thank you for this.”

“No thank you needed. I'd do anything for you, Doug. You should know that by now.”

Every nerve in my body ignites as her words hit me in the chest. “Me too, Lyl. I'd do anything for you.”

“I had a really good time, and I think you guys nailed it.” She twists and looks up at me, her eyes sparkling as the glow of streetlights flickers through the rear windshield.

I don't answer her, I can't. I'm just staring at her. She's so damn beautiful. Lyllian licks her lips, making them glisten. She gently pulls her bottom lip in with the edges of her teeth as her eyes drift between mine.

Kiss her, the devil on my shoulder whispers in my ear.

I lean in but hesitate. The angel hasn't come, but I'm waiting for that voice of reason. The voice that screams at me to not cross this line. The rational voice that reminds me we're friends. The voice that stops me from doing something I might regret.

But before that voice comes, Lyllian closes the distance and kisses me herself. Her lips are softer than I expect, and she tastes like sweet white wine. Her mouth opens slightly, giving me permission to kiss her deeper, harder, and just like I always imagined.

I slip my tongue inside her mouth, swirling it around hers. She lets out a delicate moan as her tongue circles mine. My cock thickens as she inhales a shallow breath, her lips turning hungry for more.

“We’re here,” the taxi driver says as he slows to a stop in front of our building.

We break our kiss. Lyllian softly touches her lips as she stares at me. I cough and clear my throat as I hand the guy some money. Opening the door, I hold out my hand and help her out.

The way she's looking at me is ripping me open inside. Her eyes are sultry and dark. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly. Her cheeks are flushed, and the way she's slowly touching her neck is igniting every cell in my body.

My heart is hammering in my chest, making my blood pump with fire. Heat spreads from my head to my toes, causing my muscles to tighten and pulse. I rip the door open on our building, and guide her in.

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