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My Stepmom's Boyfriend (Forbidden Fun)

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But then, a voice startles me.

“Are you even listening?”

I blink and look up at Fiona. Oh shit, when did she come back into the room? The woman’s staring down at me with narrowed blue eyes. Crap. I shouldn’t have spaced out because now I’ll have to deal with another lecture.

“You know what, I’m tired of your attitude, Caitlin. Why the fuck did your dad leave you with me? What did I ever do to get stuck with a goddamn ungrateful child like you?”

I try to be polite.

“I’m sorry, Fiona, I’m listening now. And I’m eighteen too, so I’m not a child anymore.”

She purses her blood-red lips tight, a crafty look coming into those narrow eyes.

“You’re right. You are eighteen, aren’t you? That’s the age of majority.”

I nod.

“Yes, I turned eighteen back in May remember?”

Of course, I don’t really expect my stepmother to remember, but Fiona surprises me then. Those skinny hands go onto her hips, and her chin juts out.

“You know what, Caitlin? I want you out of here. You’re old enough.”

I stare at her, confused.

“But this is my room.”

Fiona smirks. “No, I mean out of this house. For good. You’re no longer welcome. You’re young, healthy, able-bodied, and most importantly, you’re of age. You can get a job and move out.”

I gape at her. “No, but, but … you can’t kick me out!”

My stepmom’s sneer grows more evil.

“Oh yes, I can! You’re an adult, Caitlin. I only took you in out of the goodness of my heart after your father died because you were a child and had nowhere else to go. No one wanted you because who would? But you know what? I’m tired of supporting a lazy, broke-ass grown woman. You’re not my problem anymore. Get out of my fucking house.”

My chest tightens. This can’t be happening. Fiona wouldn’t kick me out! I lived here with Daddy before he married Fiona, so technically, this house should be mine too, right? But Fiona got herself put on the deed right before my dad passed. I think she was such a bitch about it that he gave in just to have some peace.

But now, the shit has hit the fan. Fiona wants me out, but where will I go? What will I do? Immediately, I begin to apologize at sixty miles an hour.

“Fiona, I’m sorry. I’ll get a job and help with our financial situation. I know things are tight and that your job as a bank teller doesn’t pay much but ....”

She cuts me off.

“You should’ve offered that long ago. Besides, it doesn’t matter. Beg if you want, but it won’t change anything.”

“Please, Fiona. I have nowhere to go.”

She merely sniffs and studies her nails.

“Caitlin, I wanted to kick you out the day you finished high school but I was generous and let you stick around. But now, my generosity has come to an end. You’ve had some time to figure things out and instead, you sat around this room like a fucking couch potato. Maybe if you’d put your energy into finding a job instead of creating these awful drawings, things would be different.”

I can’t help but stare at the woman standing before me. How could my father have married Fiona? Did he have any idea she’d be like this?

After all, ten years ago, I was an innocent eight-year-old girl who thought this woman was going to change our lives for the better. When my dad first brought her around, I thought it would be exciting to have another woman in our lives. But now, look what’s happened! I’m stuck with a witch, and even worse, the witch is evicting me from my own home. How crazy is that?

“Fiona, just give me a chance,” I beg again. I’m trembling now, and I’m sure she notices the tears in my eyes.

Unfortunately, my stepmom is heartless. She merely shrugs and says, “Your dad would want you to be productive. He wouldn’t want you to be lazy, so actually, I think this is a good kick in the ass for you, Caitlin.”

I stare at her. Her visage is calm, but I can sense the malice beneath her smooth expression. But should I really be surprised? After all, things were bad from practically the start. As soon as the knot was tied, Fiona wanted to send me off to boarding school. When Dad wouldn’t let her, she threw a fit and began to give me the cold shoulder. That was bad enough, but then my dad died. He and Fiona hadn’t even been married a year when a drunk driver struck his car head on. He passed away instantly, and the paramedics told us there was no pain. I couldn’t even understand what happened at first. Where was Daddy? When was he coming back?

When Fiona and I got back from the hospital, the house felt empty. Too empty because all of a sudden, it was just me and my stepmother. And even worse, my father deeded the house to my new stepmom, in exchange for her promise to take care of me. So, for the last ten years, I’ve been a guest in my childhood home.

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