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Their Property (Four Mercenaries 3)

Page 43

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“Fuck me faster,” Boar pleaded, arching his hips, but Clover pushed his shoulders down with a grin.

“You want something? You gotta do it yourself,” he teased, leaning in for another kiss.

Sharpness flashed in Boar’s eyes, and he didn’t hesitate. The world rolled around, and then Clover was flat on his back, Boar’s dick buried deep inside him and teasing the spot that made him go crazy. Tenderness was an afterthought when Boar withdrew, only to slam in hard, his gaze intense in the way it took in Clover’s flushed face. “You tease.”

“Like that!” Clover moaned, pulling him into a hug. A dark silhouette flashed in the corner of his eye. Drake had approached, and while he hid behind a drink, he was definitely watching.

Pyro’s face appeared in the picture next. He flashed a toothy smile and hugged Boar from behind, so they both ended up leaning over Clover. “Look at him, babe. He’s like a meringue. So fucking sweet, and all yours. Isn’t his hole the tightest you’ve ever had?” he whispered for everyone to hear.

Boar let out a moan, briefly turning his face to nip on Pyro’s mouth, but he wouldn’t take a break and drove his dick into Clover time and time again.

The pace was relentless, and Clover had to hold on to Boar’s strong arms as they held him down. He wasn’t fragile or afraid of sex. When he was with his men like this, he felt as safe as ever. Nothing here would happen without his permission, and everyone cared for him.

His face was hot and surely red as ripe cherries, but he didn’t feel self-conscious around anyone in the room. If anything, he reveled in being loved and the center of attention.

“Yes,” he gasped. “All yours. You fuck me so good. Come inside me, babe.”

Boar let out a strangled grunt. Pyro kept biting and kissing his ear and neck, holding on to the pale flesh as he pushed words through his lips. “Fuck. His. Hole. Love watching you do that. It’s so damn hot. Such a stud, Jamie.”

A hand pushed into Clover’s hair from behind, but he was too focused on the friction burning inside him to let his gaze stray away from the face of the man who was making his insides giddy with pleasure. Boar bit his lips, slammed into him hard, and then the heat of his cum spilled inside Clover.

“Yes,” he moaned into Boar’s ear. “Missed you so much. Love your weight on top of me.” When he glanced to the side, he realized it was Tank who stroked his hair, but Tank wasn’t wearing the robe anymore, and his cock stood proud, demanding attention. Clover wasn’t close enough, but he still opened his mouth. “Please, Daddy.”

With Boar still inside him, Clover twisted his head back until it made his shoulder ache and stuck out his tongue to lick the tip of his Daddy’s cock. Boar rubbed Clover’s chest and gave each of his nipples a little pinch before pulling out and leaving Clover’s hole vacant. “Thank you, Clover. That was amazing.”

Pyro burst out laughing. “Oh, my God! Look at him. Red Bear! King of the arena. So courteous.”

Boar pushed him back and they tumbled to the floor. “Idiot! It’s only polite!”

Pyro descended on him with a kiss. “It’s gonna be polite if you lend me a hand. I’m so hot for you right now.”

Clover couldn’t see them any longer, and with Boar’s strong arms no longer holding him down, he pushed forward to get his head off the sofa for the sweetest throat fuck.

“I’m all yours now, Daddy.”

Tank laughed and pulled his dick away, leading Clover’s open mouth and tongue like the tastiest bait. “Oh no, I want what he was having,” Tank said and pulled Clover into his arms.

When Tank held him like this, with hands that were steady, Clover was never afraid of falling. He kissed Tank’s mouth, then his chin, and then hugged him tightly and let himself be carried away from Boar and Pyro, who moved back to the sofa, trapped in a world of pleasure of their own.

Tank didn’t go far and lowered Clover to the wooden coffee table between the two armchairs. It was hard under Clover’s knees, but his dick was too excited for him to care about such details. Forehead pressed to the cool surface, he spread his legs and shivered when Tank spat at his hole before tapping it with his his cockhead.

“That’s a good boy,” Tank rasped, stroking Clover’s hip. “Nice and slick for Daddy. Like to see you full of cum, boy.”

Tank didn’t wait around and pushed his cock halfway in, groaning in pleasure. Clover had to grip the table to stay in place, his own dick so hard it throbbed with heat, begging for release.

“Yes, please add more cum, Daddy.”

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