Citadel Press, 176–79, 185
Clark, J. P., 28, 63, 74, 115
Cookey, S. J., 114
Corruption. See Nigeria
Coup of 1966, 63–72
Chinua and family flight, 67–71
Chinua hunted during, 67–68, 70
climate on the street after, 64–66
countercoup, 80–82, 95
Eastern Nigerians, flight to East, 83, 95, 97
Igbo, attacks upon after, 66–67, 69, 76–78, 80–82
in Lagos, failure of, 79–80
leaders of, 65, 79–80
and Man of the People, A, 63–64, 67
military governance following, 80
murders during/after, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 79, 81–83
Nigerian military, role in, 78–80
Cozens, A. B., 25
Cricket, 22–23
Cullen, Countee, 164
Currey, James, 112
Damas, Léon Gontran, 163
Dance of the Forest, A (Soyinka), 109
Danjuma, Theophilus Y., 81, 136
“Dead Men’s Path,” 33
Decree 8 (1967), 86–87
Decree No. 34 (1966), 80–81
De Gaulle, Charles, 101–2
Degema people, 150
Delauney, Maurice, 155