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Among the Darkness Stirs

Page 71

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“Mrs. Ryland?” Augusta questioned.

“Yes. She’s the mother of Mr. Henry Ryland, one of the Board of Guardians.”

Augusta snorted. “I don’t approve of you going out. You are still in mourning.”

Audrey sighed. “It’s a small dinner party within her home. It’s perfectly respectable.”

“It’s disrespectful,” her mother said in disagreement.

“I’m not going into society, Mother. It’s a small dinner party,” Audrey said, pulling on her gloves.

Augusta’s lips thinned into a stubborn line. “It’s disrespectful to your father’s memory.”

“It’s not. Why don’t you come with me? Theodocia wouldn’t mind. I would like you to come with me. You are inside all the time.”

Augusta shot her a look. “I’ll do nothing of the sort. Besides who would stay with Frances? I must see to her care.”

Audrey raised an eyebrow. At least they agreed on one matter. “Please do. She needs you to look after her.”

Augusta turned her head away from her. “How can a daughter be so disregarding? Her father’s dead, and she attends a party.”

Audrey bit her lip at the sting the words caused. “I’ll be home soon enough.”

Audrey felt a slight headache when she entered the carriage that had been sent for her. Mrs. Ryland was always thoughtful. She cast a backward glance at the little cottage and then sat back amongst the cushions. She would enjoy herself. She would not allow her mother’s vicious tongue to ruin the night.

“Audrey. My dear!” Theodocia said when she entered the foyer. “A sight for sore eyes.” She kissed Audrey on both cheeks. “Most women look hideous in black, but you look like a tragic Greek figure.”

“Only tragic Greek? What of Roman?” Audrey asked, and Theodocia laughed lightly.

“Help yourself to some punch and food,” she said, leading her to the buffet table laden with decorations and caviar sandwiches, devilled oysters, creamed sweetbreads, cold boned turkey, lettuce salad, and cheese. There was a claret punch made of claret, sherry, dices of cucumber, mint, lemon, orange, and other fruits served in the glass punch bowl.

“Everything looks delicious,” Audrey remarked.

“We’re doing things differently today,” she explained. “Help yourself to whatever you like and then take it to the dining room. Everyone’s name is written on their place.”

Audrey helped herself a sandwich, sweetbread, turkey, salad, and cheese and moved into the next room. The dining room was spacious with a long table set with crystal glasses, silver utensils, and jellies.

The gaslights hissed lowly in the room as Audrey moved about the table to find her name. The table was decorated brightly with pink and white flowers and candles. She soon found her name and placed her plate upon it. She took a sip of the punch she had poured herself and sat down.

She saw Della and Nanette Keene enter the room. Della looked lovely in a deep green gown while Nanette wore a dark shade of purple. Della eyed her strangely.

“Ms. Wakefield.”

Audrey looked up to see Henry standing beside her. He looked handsome in a dark suit with a smile on his face. She remembered those sensuous lips upon hers and felt her cheeks grow warm. “Mr. Ryland.”

He took the seat next to her, his name on the plate before him. Had he asked his mother to place them side by side? she wondered.

“I’m glad you were able to accept the invitation.”

“I enjoy your mother’s company,” she told Henry truthfully. “She has been welcoming and kind when I had no friends here.”

Henry smiled.

“Why do you smile?”

“It seems you two are kindred spirits. She says the same of you. She’s been impressed with you from the start. She knows that you uprooted yourself to come to an unknown place and take a job you had never held before.”

“She shouldn’t be too impressed,” Audrey said dismissively. “All of that, I did out of necessity. With your help,” she added.

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