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Finished (Auctioned)

Page 27

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A fresh start… Gray supposed he’d be getting that now too. There wouldn’t be another dangerous operation to plan and execute. And that was…good. It was. No ifs or buts. However…he was left with an unfamiliar feeling. It was almost like emptiness. He didn’t know where to begin. This whole year had been filled with anguish and suffering, but ever since the guys had returned to freedom, there’d at least been a next step. From going back to work and qualifying to become Jayden and Justin’s foster parents, to saving Jackie and putting an end to the Langes. And now what? They had the official adoption to look forward to early next year, but other than that…?

Gray still couldn’t imagine returning to school. At this point, it would feel like moving backward. In fact, Niko was talking about finishing high school and taking college courses, and every time the guy brought it up, Gray marveled at how strongly opposed he was to that route for himself. When, just a little over a year ago, it was all he’d had. Hockey and school. Finding a major.

He’d found his major right here up in the mountains. A lifelong major that made him happy just thinking about all their future projects for the property. The absolute biggest dream had come true; he’d found the love of his life, and they had two amazing kids.

At the same time, he needed an individual purpose. Like Darius had the restaurant, Gray needed something of his own.

As much as he enjoyed his part-time job at Mom’s inn, she didn’t need the help anymore. She had a full staff and mainly wanted Gray around because the hell he’d been through had left its mark on her as well. She felt better knowing he was around a lot.

Gray had some thinking to do. Luckily for him, Darius wasn’t coming home until tomorrow, so that meant there was one more sleepless night ahead of him. Plenty of time to think about what kind of career or job he wanted in the future.



That sound. It went straight to Gray’s heart.

He rushed out of the chicken coop, Nelson laughing merrily in the background, and gunned it. Across the bridge, down the sloped lawn, with his heart suddenly hammering. Justin smiled widely and held out his arms, and Gray scooped him up as soon as he was within reach.

“We’re home!”

“Yes, you are, baby—finally!” Gray squeezed him tightly and buried his face against Justin’s neck. “God, I missed you so much.” He breathed the boy in, to which Justin giggled and tried to squirm away.

“Do you see what I’m wearing? Daddy said it was okay!”

Gray grinned and inched away just enough to get a look underneath Justin’s jacket. “You’re wearing your PJs in the middle of the day, you goofball.”

“Jayden also!” Justin pointed toward the truck.

Gray’s heart clenched at the sight. Jayden was just hopping out of the truck, and the first thing that captured Gray’s attention was Jayden’s tan. He’d definitely spent his vacation in the sun.

Darius stepped out too, and the smile on his face was everything. Fucking hell, Gray lost his words. Rather than bothering with luggage, Darius limped around the vehicle, threw Jayden over his shoulder, and stalked up the lawn.

Jayden laughed and demanded to be put down again.

“Please be careful with your leg, honey,” Gray chuckled, half exasperated.

“It barely hurts,” Darius promised. Full of shit was what he was. But it didn’t matter at the moment. As soon as he came to a stop in front of Gray and Justin, the happiness encased them in a perfect little bubble, and Gray reached up and kissed Darius hard.

“I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

Darius hummed and cupped Gray’s cheek. “I missed you too. Fuck me, it feels good to be home.”

“Fuck me!” Jayden echoed. “I can walk, you know!”

Gray groaned through a laugh and shook his head. “We’re gonna drag this reunion out as much as possible, but first, let’s wrap up Nelson’s visit. He’s been here every day.”

Justin widened his eyes and seemed to understand the topic. “We have baby chickens now?”

Yeah, emphasis on plural. Because holy hell, did they have a lot to learn about hens hatching.

“We have, uh… Yeah. Yeah, we do.” Gray nodded toward the coop, a silent nudge for them to just see for themselves.

Darius furrowed his brow and followed Gray across the stream.

It was a good thing they’d built a fairly large coop, Gray mused to himself. He hadn’t actually seen the chicks yet because the hens were protective. And Nelson, who had kept an eye on things while they’d been in Vegas, had advised them to give the new mothers some space in the beginning. So Gray had decided to wait until Darius returned home.

Nelson was around Darius’s father’s age, and the two got along like peanut butter and jelly. James would probably be here soon, too.

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