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The Stepbrother (Red's Tavern 5)

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“That is incredible,” the driver said. He smacked his dashboard gently. “I wish I had your life.”

“I doubt that.”

“Seriously, dude,” he said. “It sounds like you’re having the time of your life out there.”

“So I shouldn’t feel like an awful person for being a little into my stepbrother?”

“Are you kidding? Haven’t you ever seen Clueless?” the driver asked. “You’re not related. You told me you didn’t grow up together. It’s totally fine.”

It was the same reasoning I’d used with Fox when he was worried about us kissing and hooking up. But now I found my fantasies drifting past boundaries they’d never crossed before.

“It sounds like you two were boyfriends already, anyway,” the driver said.

“We definitely weren’t,” I said quickly.

“Didn’t you say you kissed like little lovebirds, fell asleep in each other’s arms, and that you think he’s way cooler than you thought in high school?”

“I mean, yeah,” I said, shifting in my seat. We had just pulled up outside of Club Nexus. People were lined up outside, and I could hear the bumping bass from inside.

But I found myself glued in place, not ready to get out of my little impromptu taxi cab therapy session.

“But it was just hookups,” I said. “He isn’t available for anything more, anyway. I think I would shatter our whole new friendship into pieces if I even suggested more. He’d be too scared. It would be adorable, watching him freak out about it, but I’m... afraid.”

“Afraid he’d run away?”

I nodded, pulling my lower lip between my teeth.

He put the car in park, turning around to face me. “Sounds like you’re a little bit in love with him.”

“God, no,” I protested, holding up my hands. “No. Love is different. Love isn’t weird and messy and scary and… just, no.”

“Okay, okay, fine,” he said, waving me off. “But it definitely doesn’t sound like just sex. If he wasn’t your stepbrother, would you want more?”

My heart was now beating like a wind-up drum. Thinking about Fox as someone I could be interested in—really interested, for more than just sex—was like peering into a box I’d never let myself open. But when I let myself forget about all of the fear of what people would think…

I felt a desire for Fox that was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

I missed his smile. His snide comebacks. His touches. His eyes, when he looked at me in bed in the morning, so present and full of something that definitely felt like affection.

I had a goddamn crush on him.

The exact thing I’d been trying to avoid.

Over the course of the next few hours, I danced my heart out at Club Nexus, another gay club next door, and then a third place across the street that had some of the most attractive men I’d ever seen. I got hit on by four guys and stared at by dozens.

And yet I wanted none of them. I ended the night sweaty, sore, and alone. When I got back to Fox’s RV, I found it empty. Greg and Mom were long since asleep in their RV, and I had the place to myself. I locked the door, opened up Fox’s pictures from earlier, and instantly I was hard.

I sank back onto the bed and gripped my cock, stroking hard and fast. Within just a few short moments my legs were shaking and I was close. I opened up the video app on my phone and hit record just before I shot a load all over my hand and thighs. I shot the video of my cumshot off to Fox.

>>Sam: All for you.

My fingers trembled slightly as I pushed send on the text. Now that I had acknowledged to myself that I had a crush on Fox, it was like all hell had been unleashed inside me.

It was all I could think about.

After I’d showered and dried off, I resorted to doing something I hadn’t done in a long time. I Googled Fox’s name and scoured all of the recent articles about him. Most of them were incredibly dry financial news stories, but one from a couple of hours ago caught my eye.

Nicholas Fox, Entrepreneur Extraordinaire, Steps out in Manhattan with Ukrainian Tech Powerhouse Mariya Morozova.

Something sank in my chest the moment I saw it.

I knew Fox was there to meet with Mariya. But when I clicked the link I saw two attached photos of the two of them, walking out of a swanky restaurant and into a black car. Fox was holding Mariya’s hand, leading her into the car. She looked incredible in a tight black dress and Fox was back in his usual uniform of a suit.

He already looked so different from the Fox I’d seen on the trip.

Like he wasn’t mine anymore. Not that he really had been at all.

The article was a fluff piece, but a total minefield for things I really didn’t want to read. It said that he and Mariya looked like “a perfect pair.” It said Fox had been trying to meet with her for years, not just for business, but also for love. It also said that they were later spotted “cozying up” to one another at a nightclub.

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