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Prince's Master (Calluvia's Royalty 4)

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But soon, it wasn’t enough. He needed more. He needed something else.

As if hearing his thoughts, Castien pulled off his cock and moved his mouth lower, kissing and nipping the insides of his thighs. His stubble scratched the sensitive skin there, making Eridan whine in mild discomfort and sharp pleasure. He moaned as Castien’s tongue finally pressed against his hole. He had always been extremely sensitive there, too. It felt weird not to feel himself getting slick, but the pleasure wasn’t any less. He loved getting eaten out, and from how often his Master had done this to him, he knew Castien enjoyed going down on him, too. It felt unbelievably good, his hole quivering at every touch of that wet, glorious tongue. Burying his hand in Castien’s hair, Eridan tried to pull him deeper, tried to impale himself on that tongue—and failed. He sobbed out, wanting to be filled, needing it so badly he could barely focus on anything but more-now-cock-Master.

“Patience,” Castien’s voice said in his mind. Slicking his fingers with lubrication from Eridan’s cock, he pushed two fingers in, making Eridan moan in relief. It was better but still nowhere near enough.

“I’m ready,” he snapped. “Just put it in, Master!”

Castien didn’t listen.

It felt like he tortured him for hours, stretching him with two and then three fingers, his mouth alternating between sucking Eridan’s cock and kissing his sensitive thighs.

Finally, after what felt like forever, Castien pushed his cock into him.

Eridan moaned in relief, his hole squeezing him greedily. He dug his fingernails into his Master’s muscular back as Castien bottomed out. “Kiss me,” he said.

Castien leaned down, folding him in half, and kissed him hungrily. Eridan sighed in bliss and kissed back, feeling embarrassingly needy. His Master started moving in him, the girth of him so satisfying that every slow thrust made Eridan moan against Castien’s mouth. He could feel that Castien was trying to be gentle, but his body was getting tenser with every moment.

“Come on, I can take it,” Eridan murmured, nipping on Castien’s bottom lip. “I can take everything you give me, Master.”

Castien shuddered, his heavy body driving harder into him, his cock practically pounding him into the couch.

Eridan was distantly aware of the whines leaving his mouth, shameless and slutty, his body on fire. It just felt so good: the scent of his Master, his mouth, his hard body on top of him, the thick cock inside of him. But something was still missing.

“Master,” he whispered, reaching out mentally. “Please.”

He felt Castien’s telepathic mark vibrate with tension before it moved forward and pushed into him, too. The noise that left Eridan’s mouth was embarrassingly high. He welcomed his Master into his mind, their pleasure doubling as a full merge snapped into place. He could see himself through Castien’s eyes: his flushed face, his pretty, swollen lips, his naked body, writhing under him, on his cock—so tight around him, so beautiful, his Eridan, his, just his—

Eridan went very still, just allowing himself to be kissed, feeling stunned. He soaked up the hungry desperation and the overwhelming affection pouring into him from Castien. But affection wasn’t the right word. It felt all-encompassing, unstoppable, and limitless. It felt like a necessity. He was a necessity.

His Master needed him.

His Master. Needed. Him.

The thought was enough to make him come with a confused moan, Eridan’s vision blurry with overwhelmed tears. Castien shuddered and went still on top of him, spilling his release deep inside him.



He felt Castien’s lips on his face, kissing it softly, reverently.

It was almost too much. His chest felt like it was about to burst from affection, love, and need. He felt like he was choking on them.

I love him, Eridan suddenly thought. I will always love him. I will never love another person as much as I love him.

Any other time the thought would have been disheartening, but not at this moment. Not when he could feel how much he mattered to Castien. Their minds were still joined in a deep telepathic merge, and it was impossible to lie in a merge. He could feel everything Castien was feeling. He felt precious. He was precious. The most important thing in the world.

Eridan blinked his eyes open, having trouble believing what he was sensing. Was this why Castien had denied him a full merge for years? Because he didn’t want him to sense this? Or was this a recent development? He didn’t understand.

“Sometimes I think about it,” Castien said quietly, breaking the silence. His voice was slightly muffled by Eridan’s cheek. “I think about what if I took a different route to Hronthar that day nineteen years ago. Or what if I ignored the boy with a toddler in his arms trying to get my attention. What if I just delivered you to the Fifth Royal House instead of taking you to the Order.” He nipped at Eridan’s jaw, no doubt leaving a hickey. “If you lived to adulthood, you would be just another prince for me, one of many to manipulate and control. I wouldn’t even pay you a second thought. I would marry you to someone else and not give a damn.” Another hickey. “What a nice concept. A nice fantasy.”

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