Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 5

As on a typical Wednesday night, Sam met up with some guys from the station at Joe’

s Bar. Josh Mercer had bought the current round and the jokes were flowing freely. Mike and Cara walked in, followed by his sister, Erin, and her husband, Cole.

“Looks like it’s family night,” Sam said, calling them over. “How did you two get away?”

Erin had had a baby six months ago and rarely left her daughter’s side.

His sister greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. “Mom showed up and practically shoved us out the door. She said we needed a break and she needed time with Angel.” The hazel eyes she shared with Sam lit up when she mentioned her baby daughter.

Cole slipped an arm around Erin’s waist, greeting Sam with a nod. “She’s already called home twice to remind your mother about the time of her next bottle and what to do if she cries.”

“Like she didn’t raise three of us?” Sam teased his sister.

“Funny,” Erin said to her brother. “And he”—she poked her husband with her elbow—“already called Mom to make sure she had our cell phones on speed dial.”

Sam still couldn’t believe they’d gone from his sister getting pregnant after a one-night stand with Cole Sanders, undercover cop with no intention of remaining in town, to being a happily married couple and overly concerned parents.

“All my favorite people are here!” Sam turned at the sound of Macy’s voice.

Erin spun and gave her best friend a hug.

“How is that adorable goddaughter of mine?” Macy asked.

“Cute as ever.” Erin beamed.

“Hon, want to go get a drink?” Cole asked her.

Erin nodded.

“Anyone else want anything?” Cole asked.

“I’m good,” Macy said.

“Me too,” Sam added.

Erin and Cole walked toward the bar, leaving Sam alone with Macy. She was his sister’s best friend, so he was used to her being around.

“Hi, Macy. How are you?”

“Hi yourself.” Her smile, as usual, was infectious. “I’m good. Busy as usual. You?”

He shrugged. “Same old.”

She shook her head, her long dark hair falling over one shoulder, and sighed. “You so need to get laid.”

Sam rolled his eyes, not surprised by her outgoing ways. In addition to her blunt manner, she was beautiful, sort of exotic, her Italian heritage showing through. If she hadn’t been like family, he might have looked twice—until she started busting his balls, that is. She wasn’t for him, but no doubt she’d give some guy a run for his money.

She glanced around, a frown furrowing her eyebrows. “Where’s Nicole?”

Sam whipped his head around to meet her gaze. “Who?” He had to have heard wrong. That or it could be another Nicole. It was a common enough name.

Macy scanned the crowds before refocusing on Sam. “You probably know her? Nicole Farnsworth, the stalker’s sister? She’s new in town and renting the room over Joe’s. I invited her to meet me here tonight.” Macy glanced at her watch, and her concerned expression turned to a frown. “She’s late. You haven’t seen her, have you?”

Sam expelled a harsh breath. Nicole had moved here? Months of thinking about her and she was now as close as upstairs?

“Maybe she’s uncomfortable, not knowing anyone . . . and considering I mistook her for her crazy sister at first . . . I should go check on her.” She shoved her glass at Sam. “Hold this for me?”

Sam shook his head. “I’ll go.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024