Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 8

And when she’d returned from getting dressed? Gone were the ladylike slacks and silk shirts she’d worn her first time in town, replaced by jeans that hugged her shapely ass and a top that accentuated her sweet curves. Curves he wanted to trace with his hands and taste with his mouth, exploring her thoroughly. He wanted that with a desperation he’d never felt before.

But more than sexual attraction intrigued him. When she’d mentioned coming to Serendipity to start over, to prove herself and not have people jump to conclusions or put her in a little box—well, then he’d realized there was much more to Nicole’s move here than met the eye, making him wonder just what she had left behind.

And why did he care? He wished the answer were as simple as him being a cop and it being second nature to question and to wonder. He knew better. He cared and wondered because it was Nicole.

Everything about her aroused his curiosity—among other things. The heat between them was mutual. The way her nipples tightened beneath his stare affirmed the same shocks tripping him up even now, when she was on the other side of the damned room.

“That’s interesting.” Mike eased up alongside him, standing shoulder to shoulder as they looked over the crowd.

“What is?” Sam asked.

“Victoria’s sister’s back in town.” And Mike didn’t sound pleased.

“It’s a free country,” Sam reminded him.

“Just seems odd she’d come back here after what her sister pulled.” Mike took a long drag of his beer.

“She’s not her sister and she helped ours. She came here to warn Erin and she gave up her sister’s hideout, remember?”

“Don’t get yourself worked up. I’m just pointing out the truth. Macy says she’s moved here and I think it’s an odd choice. Unless she found something here she liked.” Mike’s low chuckle was meant to annoy Sam.

He refused to take his brother’s bait. “She said she found the people here accepting.”

“You’ve spoken with her already?”

Shit. “Yeah.” He didn’t elaborate.

“Be careful. Her sister’s got mental issues,” Mike warned him.

“And she’s getting treatment while awaiting the disposition of her case.” Even so, Sam thought. “What do Victoria’s problems have to do with Nicole?” Sam asked, his gaze never leaving the woman in question.

“Depends on what, if anything, you have to do with Nicole,” Mike replied.

Sam’s gaze narrowed both at Mike’s words, as well as at the scene before him. Macy had moved on from the women and was now introducing Nicole to some of the cops who frequented her restaurant. When Rob Burnett, a known player, looked her over, a predatory gleam in his eyes, Sam tensed and pushed himself off the wall.


Sam turned back to his brother. “What?” And make it quick, he thought.

“I meant it when I said be careful. You don’t know anything about her except for—”

“Her crazy sister? I heard you loud and clear.” But Sam wasn’t listening. He was more concerned with not allowing the single guys at Joe’s to take in the new girl without him staking some kind of claim first.

He made his way to where Macy had finished her introductions and the men were eyeing Nicole with interest.

“Hey, Sam,” Macy said with a welcoming smile.

“Macy.” He greeted her with a grin before turning to Nicole. “Good to see you again.”

Her gaze warmed and his entire body sizzled in reaction. “What’s up?” he asked.

“Just meeting the new girl in town,” Rob said, immediately making himself a part of the conversation. “Isn’t that right, honey?” He lifted Nicole’s hand and kissed her smooth skin.

Sam’s fingers curled into a fist, itching to hit his friend. Rob was always too smooth with the ladies, and the result went one of two ways. Either they were desperate and fell for his fake charm, or they found him over-the-top ridiculous.

Nicole pulled her hand back quickly and Sam relaxed.

“Everyone has been very welcoming,” she said, not singling out Rob or acknowledging his interest.

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024