Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 20

She glanced at the flowers once more. “They’re daisies. I love daisies.”

“I’m glad. I wanted to get you something different.”

“Why?” she couldn’t help but ask.

“Because you’re different,” he said in a deep voice, and her entire body flushed hot.

He glanced around the small apartment. So did she, viewing the one counter in the kitchen and the bed that remained in her peripheral vision. Yep, it was time.

“Want company on your hunt for a new place to live?” he asked.

She raised an eyebrow. “Really? You want to spend your day off helping me house or condo hunt?”

“I want to spend my day off with you.”

She did a happy dance, at least inside. “Okay, then. Let’s go buy a newspaper and check out the ads.” She grabbed her purse from the counter and swiped the keys off the hook on the wall.

Hours later, Nicole had discovered that for a small town, there were a variety of rentals available and not all offered the same things. From condos like the one Cara had lived in, to an apartment complex downtown, to rooms for rent in a freestanding home, Nicole had her choice and she and Sam had walked through every one.

Her legs ached; she was exhausted and ready to call it quits. “I don’t mean to be so picky, but nothing we saw works for me.”

She stretched her legs out in Sam’s SUV. He’d insisted on driving since he knew his way around town, and now she was glad she’d agreed.

“It’s not picky to want to like where you live.” He rested his arm across the two front seats, his fingers grazing her shoulder.

She suppressed a delightful shiver. “At least you’re not annoyed. Which I don’t understand. Most men in their right minds would have no patience for a day like today.”

“Are you saying I’m insane?”

She shook her head and laughed. “No, just special.”

He grinned, revealing that dimple in his cheek. “Thank you.”

“I guess it’s time to head home,” she said, discouraged.

“Not quite. There’s one more place that isn’t listed.”

She turned toward him, hopes raised. “Really?”

He nodded. “It’s in a nice neighborhood, has a backyard with a barbecue, and a really good-looking neighbor next door.” He winked at her.

Her eyes opened wide at his implication. “Seriously?”

He nodded, and his devilish grin had her wanting to agree to move in sight unseen. “Why didn’t you mention this place before?” Unless he didn’t really want her living so close to him but was offering because she’d run out of options.

“Because I wanted you to see everything else out there. The sellers are an older couple who want to test the weather down south for a year. You’d be making a one-year commitment and—”

She leaned in closer. “And?” She urged him to continue.

“It’s a whole house. I wasn’t sure you’d want such a big responsibility on top of the year lease.” He shrugged.

“So it wasn’t because you didn’t want me as your neighbor? Because I can understand why you wouldn’t. I mean, we could hang out and discover we’re not interested in each other and then we’d be living almost in each other’s backyard, and that would be awkward.”

He shook his head, the easygoing grin never leaving his face. “Like I said, I wanted you to see everything else first. That’s it. You didn’t like the other options and I’d have shown you this last even if you had. Besides, I would love to have you as my neighbor.” He paused. “If that’s something you’d want.”

As if she’d say no. “I’d love to see it.”

“Good.” He turned and focused on driving, turning the car and heading toward his home.

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024