Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 40

He’d ordered Tyler to get himself to Serendipity and return with his obedient fiancée in tow—or he’d have no choice but to tell his clients that there was a chance Nicole had overheard a conversation and knew about the money laundering. And those clients weren’t the type to leave any loose ends no matter how uncertain. They would put out a hit on Nicole, and Tyler would be responsible. He wanted to believe his father was bluffing but couldn’t take that chance.

Nausea and panic threatened to engulf him—still did—but he ruthlessly pushed those feelings away. He couldn’t afford to give in to weakness in the huge mess he called his life. Tyler was in deep trouble and so was Nicole. So he had no choice but to remain here and try to persuade her to reconcile and pick up where they left off—with her running

his mother’s campaign for borough president, him heir to the family financial firm, their marriage set.

And he had to persuade her without letting on that he knew about his father’s illegal dealings. Though it would be damned easier to get her to come home with him out of fear and loyalty, there was still a chance Nicole didn’t know the truth, and his admission would be filling her in. The more people who knew, the greater the risk of someone going to the police. Especially Nicole, who was now involved with a cop.

Of course, Tyler was considering turning his father in himself. But he needed time to insulate himself, his mother, whose campaign accepted funds from the firm, and Nicole. Tyler also needed Nicole to cooperate. But from the way she looked at Sam Marsden, he didn’t see them separating anytime soon.

But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t do everything in his power to try. Even if guilt rode him the entire time and he couldn’t stop thinking about a woman other than his ex-fiancée.

Sam woke in a strange bed, with a warm body wrapped around his. Since he didn’t normally spend the night anywhere but his own place, he came awake immediately and realized where he was and who he was with. Instead of relaxing, he tensed even more because no sooner had he realized he was with Nicole than he instinctively pulled her deeper into him, wrapping his arms tighter around her smaller body. She fit him perfectly.

Sex last night hadn’t been good, it’d been incredible. And that was what put his radar on high alert. The last time he’d felt anything remotely like this, he’d been a naïve younger man, being duped by his fiancée and best friend. And he was enough of an adult now to be able to look back and see that what he’d felt for Jenna paled in comparison to the beginnings of what he felt for Nicole. Young love had been just that, he realized now. And if Jenna was able to hurt him, what kind of havoc could Nicole wreak on his heart if he let her?

He wondered if he could extricate himself without waking her. He was just about to roll over when she stirred, easing onto her back and looking up at him with big blue eyes.

“Hi there,” she said in a sexy morning voice.


“A good one, I hope?” she asked, vulnerability shining in her expression.

Obviously she wasn’t used to mornings after, and no way would he hurt her just because he was running scared. “After last night, how could it be anything but?”

The tension in her body fled fast and her smile sent awareness shooting straight to his groin, which apparently hadn’t gotten the memo about keeping a safe distance.

Now to work on his tension. As long as he took things slow, guarded his emotions and his heart, he’d be fine. Just because they’d had great sex didn’t mean their agreement of nothing serious didn’t still hold. Leaving now would be his best bet.

“Breakfast?” she asked. “I packed up the big stuff for the move later today, but I have enough to whip up an omelet or pancakes.”

His stomach rumbled, answering before his brain kicked in.

She laughed, the happy sound making him feel like an ass for his darker thoughts. “So which will it be?”

“Pancakes, if it’s not too much trouble.” And then, because he couldn’t resist, he leaned over and settled his lips over hers, kissing her until the churning in his stomach and the bout of nerves became a distant memory.

“Mmm,” she said when he broke the kiss. “Better than food.”

He grinned.

“But I need to get up and shower . . . Joe said he’d help me move boxes to the car around ten this morning.”

“I have to work, or I’d help. But I’ll carry some down before I head out.” He’d have to stop home and change clothes before going to work.

“Thanks.” She eased out from beneath the covers. Before he could get a look at her incredible body, she swiped her robe from a nearby chair and wrapped it around herself. “I’d ask you to join me but we’d never get moving today.” Her eyes twinkled, and he knew he’d accomplished his goal of not making her panic along with him.

She showered, and he jumped in after her while she made breakfast. While he was drying off, the doorbell rang.

He wondered who it could be. Pulling on his jeans, he stiffened as he heard Tyler Stanton’s voice.

“Morning, sunshine,” he said loudly.

Sam shook his head. Did the man have no shame? He never gave up. Well, Sam had every intention of giving him a reason to walk away with or without his dignity intact.

“Tyler, you shouldn’t have,” Nicole said.

Sam narrowed his gaze.

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024