Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 46

“Really?” She leaned in closer.

“Yeah. We’ve always been thought of as the perfect family, but we have our own secrets too. Not so secret, actually. Mom got pregnant by Mike’s father and when he bailed, Simon stepped up. Turns out he’d been in love with her all along.”

Nicole’s eyes grew wide on hearing the story. “That’s beautiful. They seem so in love now.”

“They’ve been that way for as long as I can remember.”

She made a murmur of acknowledgment. “They’re lucky too, then.”

“What about your parents? I know you said they don’t care much about what you do unless it’s to benefit them, but how do they feel about each other?” Having di

vulged his parents’ past, he felt comfortable asking about hers.

She swallowed hard. “Let’s put it this way. When I told my mother I couldn’t marry Tyler because I wasn’t in love with him, she asked me what love had to do with anything, and when that didn’t sway me, she followed up with, just when did she tell me that fairy tales ever came true.”

Even Sam, who’d stopped believing in that result, at least for himself, winced. What kind of parent disillusioned her daughter? He thought of the way his parents had boosted Erin’s confidence and spirits, and convinced her she should at least try to go after what she wanted in life. Even after she’d gotten pregnant by a man determined to leave her and Serendipity behind.

The summer breeze blew around them and lifted Nicole’s hair from her shoulders. He met her gaze and wished he could put the stars back in her eyes and convince her that anything was possible. Maybe it was. Just not with him.

“So about us,” she said, as if reading his mind.

“I take it you don’t want to just pick up where we left off last night?” His chest hurt at the thought she might actually walk away.

“Actually I do—with some modifications or qualifications.” She looked down at the slats on the chair, not meeting his gaze. “It turns out I’m not so good at this sex-without-emotion thing after all.”

His breath caught in his throat, but he was determined to hear her out. One night with her hadn’t been nearly enough, but what happened next? It all depended on what she asked for.

“I need us to be exclusive while we’re together.”

He let out the breath he’d been holding. “I can do that.”

She lifted her gaze to his. The vulnerability in her expression sucker-punched him but good. Everything about her hit him in new ways.

Scary ways.

“What else?” he asked.

She bit down on her full lower lip. “I need to know where you stand. Is this thing between us just sex? Like, when we’re out in public are you going to pretend we’re just friends? Because I couldn’t handle that.” Her huge blue eyes bore into his.

“Hell no! Just because I’m not looking to settle down and get married doesn’t mean I don’t understand what it means to be with someone. I want to be with you, to acknowledge it in public, to let everyone know we’re together. And I sure as hell don’t want anyone else with you either.”

Her lips parted in a soft O, and he was unable to resist leaning forward and kissing her face with its surprised expression.

The thing he was drawn to most about Nicole—looks and attractiveness were a given—was her innate honesty. Her vulnerability tugged at his heart, making him want to protect her. Be her white knight, as ridiculous as he knew that was.

He couldn’t help but respond to her and licked her parted lips. She sighed into his mouth, and he slipped his tongue inside. She’d had a glass of wine with dinner and he tasted the fruity flavor, but most of all he tasted her and he didn’t want the moment to end.

Unfortunately, his brother had other ideas, as he called out from the door off the kitchen. “Coffee and dessert! Unless you’re already getting some of your own.”

Nicole pulled back and ducked her head, an embarrassed smile on her face. “Geez.”

“That’s what brothers are for,” Sam muttered.

She laughed. “Sisters aren’t much better.”

“True.” He glanced at her flushed cheeks. “Everything okay now?” he asked.

She didn’t pretend to misunderstand him. “Will you come home with me?” she asked. “Christen my new bed?”

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024