Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 57

“Oh my God.” Nicole’s knees went weak, and Sam bolstered her with an arm around her waist.

“You and Stanton have pussyfooted around each other long enough. And whatever you two are hiding? I want that information too or I can’t keep you safe.”

Nicole’s breath caught in her throat. “You know? Tyler knows?” She couldn’t begin to process how or why or even when either man had found out.

“I don’t know nearly enough,” Sam muttered. “But I’m going to find out. Now grab your phone and call him.”

Normally Nicole would balk at taking orders, but her old life was closing in on her and at that moment, she accepted that she didn’t have a choice.

As per Sam’s instructions, Nicole called Aunt Lulu and explained she had a family emergency and wouldn’t be able to make it back to the booth. She was riddled with guilt over not being able to help for the rest of the afternoon or with the cleanup, but Aunt Lulu claimed that was what family was for and she’d have plenty of hands to pitch in. She wished Nicole well, and Nicole promised to keep in touch.

Sam stewed the entire ride back to Nicole’s, and she didn’t offer anything in the way of conversation. Until she knew how this whole situation happened—how Sam came to be involved, and what exactly Tyler knew about . . . everything, Nicole wasn’t talking. She still had her own family’s knowledge or lack thereof to worry about too. Not to mention what she’d do now that the Russians were definitely involved. She grew dizzy just trying to figure out all the angles and implications.

They finally arrived at her house, and Tyler pulled up in his Porsche a short time later.

Sam’s scowl deepened. “Could he be any more conspicuous?” he muttered.

Nicole knew better than to answer.

They settled in separate corners of the living room, Nicole on the charming floral sofa the Browns had left behind, Tyler on a solid cream club chair, while Sam leaned against the wall, arms folded across his chest.

“I don’t understand what’s going on today.” Nicole spoke first.

Tyler met Sam’s gaze.

“Tell her,” Sam said, issuing a direct order in a tone she’d never heard from him until this afternoon.

Her ex-fiancé rose to his feet. “I’m not here to win you back. Well, I was, but not because that’s what I wanted.”

Nicole narrowed her gaze. “It never did make sense to me that you’d chase after me after I ended things. And once you saw there was someone else . . .” She shook her head. “It made no sense,” she repeated.

He shoved his hands into his pants pockets. “When you broke up with me, I was floored. I admit I didn’t see it coming, but I accepted it.”

Sam took in Tyler’s words, and Nicole knew he was putting himself in Tyler’s position because he had been there when his fiancé ended things the morning they were to get married. She hated that either man had to go through this awkward reliving of events.

“Then why come to town?” Nicole asked.

“The same afternoon you ended things, my father called me to his office. He was in a panic. Afraid you’d overheard certain information about his business dealings and could destroy him if you went to the police.” Tyler’s gaze shifted from Sam—the cop now in the equation—to Nicole. “Did you overhear them?”

Her breath coming in stuttered spurts, she managed a nod.

To Sam, it was obvious Nicole was thrown. Not to mention in over her head. Sam wanted to walk across the room and pull her into his arms, but he needed a clear head to untangle this mess and find a way out for them both. He couldn’t do that if he let his feelings for Nicole get in the way of thinking like a cop.

Sam stared at the other man. “Let me guess. Daddy sent you after Nicole to win her back? Why? Because he didn’t think she’d turn him in if you two were still engaged?” Sam looked at Tyler with disgust, wondering what kind of man ceded to his father’s bidding. Especially once he realized he was into something illegal.

Tyler ran a hand over his perfectly cut hair. “Because he thought he’d have more control over her if she was still my mother’s campaign manager and my future wife, and if she was more invested in the family dynamic again.”

Nicole sucked in a startled breath. “Why didn’t you just come to me? You could have asked me what I did—or didn’t—know.”

“You could have done the same thing,” Tyler shot back.

Sam held up one hand. “You first.” He turned to Tyler. “Why not talk to her?”

“I’d thin

k that would be obvious. Because if she didn’t know, I’d be putting her in danger by telling her.”

“But I did know. And I’ve been torn up with guilt, wondering if you knew, how you could let it go on. And if you didn’t, same answer you just gave. Your mother’s campaign is partially funded by the firm. That’s illegal money and would taint her so badly she’d have to step down and not run again. Then there’s my father. I had to decide what I thought he knew—if I could destroy his firm, his livelihood, and everything that’s important to my parents. I might not like them much, but they’re my family. And speaking of family, what about Victoria?” she asked, her voice rising along with her obvious distress. “Who would take responsibility for her once she gets out if my father ends up in jail?” She turned to Sam. “Don’t you see? There’s more at stake than just my morality.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024