Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 60

She nodded. “Where are we?”

“Saratoga Springs.”

“Oh! Home of the horse races.”

“And a casino, and shopping, among other things. Unfortunately, I don’t want to be out in public. We’re better off lying low. Just in case.” In case someone followed them, she thought, but didn’t say so. She was just glad to be away with Sam.

Once off the highway, he drove back roads, seeming familiar with the route. Eventually he pulled the car into the driveway of a large house set back on a large chunk of property, and parked in one of two extra guest spots.

Surprised, Nicole turned toward him. “This isn’t a hotel.”

“No. It’s not.” He shut off the motor and climbed out of the vehicle.

She followed, stepping out into the dense summer humidity, meeting him by the back of his truck. He’d insisted on leaving what he termed her more conspicuous car in her driveway so no one, the Russians especially, would jump to the conclusion that she’d left town.

Sam slid his duffel bag over his shoulder, picked up her suitcase too, and started up the walkway to a set of double doors.

“Where are we?” she finally asked.

“At an old friend’s house.”

“Oh. It was nice of him to let us stay over.”

Before Sam could reply, one of the large wooden doors opened and an attractive blond woman answered the door.

“You made it!” She pulled Sam into a long embrace, obviously excited to see him. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“It’s good to see you, Sara.” He returned the hug without reservation before stepping back and studying her.

Nicole took the opportunity to do the same, struggling with the uneasy feelings she didn’t recognize as she took in Sam’s . . . friend. The woman wore a long, emerald silk robe that covered her appropriately, but it was obvious she had a long, lithe body in addition to the pretty face.

Sam finished with his appraisal and grinned before squeezing her forearm. “You look great.”

With the compliment, Nicole no longer had any trouble naming the emotion eating away at her. Jealousy, green and unwelcome, filled her at the sight of Sam and this woman.

Unaware of Nicole’s thoughts, Sara shifted her gaze away from Sam. “You must be Nicole,” she said warmly. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Nicole’s face felt frozen as she replied. “I wish I could say the same.”

Sara shot Sam a chiding look. “When we were in high school, we used to call him Silent Sam. I see that much hasn’t changed.”

He merely arched an eyebrow her way. But he didn’t meet Nicole’s gaze, so he obviously knew he’d made a mistake in how he’d handled things.

“You had a long drive, so come on in,” Sara said, gesturing with her hands.

Nicole stepped into the entryway and Sam followed. Although the house appeared huge from the outside, and square footage-wise it probably was immense, the interior offered a more intimate and welcoming appearance. Hardwood floors and a country-styled area rug immediately bespoke a cozy home.

“Your home is beautiful.” Nicole forced a smile despite being blindsided by this woman and her obviously close relationship with Sam. “I appreciate you letting us stay here. Especially on such short notice.”

“Uncle Sam!”

Nicole turned toward the unexpected loud, female shriek that was quickly followed by the sound of feet pounding down the center staircase. A nightgown-clad child, more whirling dervish than little human, flung herself toward Sam.

He caught her easily and swung her around before setting her on her feet. “Hey, short stuff!”

Sara looked down at her daughter in Sam’s arms with such love in her eyes, Nicole couldn’t help but be affected, softening toward the woman who’d been nothing but pleasant to her. As Nicole had never been on the receiving end of that kind of look from either parent, Sara immediately won points with her.

“How old is she?” Nicole asked.

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024