Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 61

The child turned to Nicole and held up one full hand and one finger on her other hand. Her long brown curls hung in disarray around her flushed face as she smiled and said, “I six!”

“You’re a big girl.” Kneeling down to her eye level, Nicole met her brown-eyed gaze. “I’m Nicole. What’s your name?”

The child smiled wider, revealing two dimples. “I Sammy.”

Startled, Nicole swung her gaze toward Sam.

“I’m her godfather,” he quickly explained. But from the glances between Sara and Sam, there was more to the story, and Nicole’s stomach cramped uncomfortably as she rose to her feet.

Sara placed a hand on her daughter’s back. “Sammy, I let you stay up for your uncle. Now it’s back to bed, like we agreed. Say good night to our guests.”

“Good night,” she chirped cheerfully, practically vibrating with excitement that her uncle was here, making Nicole doubt the child would be falling asleep any time soon.

She was the cutest little girl and those big eyes probably let her get away with a lot more than just staying up late, Nicole thought, amused, despite the questions this visit had caused.

“I’ll show you to your rooms,” Sara said to Nicole and Sam, and Nicole’s stomach pitched in disappointment.

Sam had alluded to picking up where they left off earlier today, but Sara made it clear they wouldn’t be sharing one bed in her house. Nicole didn’t get the sense that Sara was mean, manipulative, or deliberately keeping Nicole and Sam apart. They were obviously old friends. Good enough friends that Sam was her daughter’s godfather. But where was her husband, Nicole wondered, disliking the jealousy pounding away at her.

Once Sammy ran up the stairs, Sara turned back to face them. “You guys can share the guest room downstairs,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I just didn’t want to mention it in front of Sammy.”

Relief swept through Nicole.

Sam nodded. “I know the way, so you can go on upstairs. We’ll catch up tomorrow.” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks again for taking us in at the last minute.”

She studied Sam intently. “Hey. I owe you and you know it.”

He shook his head. “You know it’s the other way around.”

Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. “Mark should be back from his business trip on Sunday.” An obvious subject change. “He’ll be glad you’re here. You don’t visit often enough,” she chided, before turning to Nicole. “Make yourself at home. I’m taking Sammy to gymnastics in the morning and we’ll be back around eleven.”

“Thank you,” Nicole murmured.

“My pleasure. Night.” With a wave, Sara turned and headed for the stairs.

“Ready?” Sam lifted the bags, and Nicole nodded.

All the tight knots inside her had eased at the mention of one room, combined with her husband’s imminent return. But that didn’t mean Nicole wouldn’t have some choice words for Sam, for bringing her here without explanation or advance warning about this other important female in his life.

Once alone with Sam in the large bedroom, a pretty room set up for guests, Nicole unpacked her suitcase, using the empty dresser drawers for her clothes, and placed her toiletries on the counter in the bathroom. Sam, in typical guy fashion, said he’d deal with his things as he needed them.

She washed up and changed into a pair of boy shorts and tank top for bed, then opened the bathroom door and paused in the doorway. Sam had stripped down to his boxers and stretched out on the queen-sized mattress.

She couldn’t help but take in the sight, and her gaze slid over his tanned, muscular legs, up to the bulge in his boxer briefs, and o

ver the flat planes of his stomach. Her nipples tightened and moisture pooled between her thighs, desire for him overwhelming everything else she’d been thinking and feeling.

Yes, she was so weak that despite the unanswered questions, despite her jealousy over Sara and her exhaustion from the day, he could make her forget everything but him. Her only consolation was that he studied her the same way, his hot gaze perusing every inch of her body as he leaned back against the pillows, one muscular arm behind his head.

But she refused to allow attraction to distract her. She wanted to talk, and she hoped he’d explain about Sara without her having to ask like the jealous woman she’d suddenly become.

“There’s a big pool out back, so you’ll be able to relax tomorrow,” he told her.

She blinked in surprise. “Seriously? That’s what you have to say to me?” She leaned against the door frame and folded her arms across her chest.

“As opposed to what?” he asked.

Dense man. “Like why aren’t we staying in a hotel, for starters.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024