Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 62

He raised his shoulders. “It’s racing season. I couldn’t get a room and then I realized it made more sense to stay with a friend where we’re not registered anywhere. No credit card, no trace.”

That made sense, she silently acknowledged. “Why didn’t you tell me ahead of time? You’ve never mentioned Sara before, yet she’s obviously a very good friend.”

His eyes narrowed at her tone and emphasis on that one word. “She is. We go way back to high school.”

Nicole sighed. Obviously he was going to make her drag it out of him. “So just who is she to you? And what’s with the I owe you, no it’s the other way around stuff?”

His gaze shuttered. “It’s ancient history.”

Hurt worked its way through her at his refusal to share. “Not so ancient it didn’t come up tonight.” Her heart squeezed further at his obvious intent to shut her out. “Look, I’m not the type to pry into things you don’t want me to know, but we’re here with your friend who knows about me while I know nothing about her.”

Nicole really resented him for putting her in this position. She really disliked being an outsider, a feeling she suspected would only get worse as the weekend wore on. Unless Sam let her in.

“Come here,” he said in a gruff voice.

She pushed herself off the wall and strode over to the bed, sitting down beside him.

He placed his hand over hers, and warmth traveled through her body at his touch.

“Sara and I have a deep history. As friends. I made a poor judgment call a long time ago that affected her life and I owe her. That’s all.”

That wasn’t all, Nicole thought, looking into eyes that held hidden stories and secrets. But it was obviously all he’d reveal tonight. They had a long weekend for bigger revelations. She hoped.

“I’m tired,” she said on an exhale, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed and forget everything that had happened today.

He nodded in agreement. “It’s been a long day.”

“It has. And it’s my fault. I’ve brought a lot of drama into your life,” she said, feeling guilty for dragging him into her problems, which had ended up showing her just how it felt to be on the periphery of his life.

He tipped her chin upward until she met his gaze. “You bring a lot to my life. Period.” Those sometimes green, sometimes brown eyes held an intensity that affected her straight down to her soul.

She couldn’t help but believe him. After all, he’d stood by her through everything. Even when he hadn’t known if she was any different from her twin, he’d defended her against Cole’s accusations, and Nicole had trusted Sam to have her back. And he had. Their connection had been that solid.

But in the present, he fought any emotional bond with Nicole, and she’d accepted that that was how it had to be. Because being left at the altar had scarred him. Yet tonight she’d seen that he shared that kind of bond with Sara. Their relationship might not be sexual, but there was a trust and a commitment between them, and it hurt Nicole to know he wouldn’t open himself up that way to her.

She pushed herself away from him and rose from the bed, pulling down the covers on her side. He stood and did the same. Soon they were under the comforter together, but Nicole wanted the same distance between them physically that he’d put up emotionally.

“Night.” She grabbed her pillow and curled into a ball, facing away from him.

She heard the click of the lamp and the bed dipped and moved as he got comfortable, but he didn’t bridge the distance between them. A painful lump formed in her throat, but she forced herself to breathe slowly and soon she fell asleep.

Sam woke up with the same heavy feeling in his chest with which he’d fallen asleep. He also knew why. He’d botched last night, mishandling everything with this trip and hurting Nicole in the process. He really thought bringing her here would be good for them both. An under-the-radar place to stay and a chance to see his goddaughter. Why hadn’t he realized all the questions that would come up just by being here?

Because, as his sister Erin often said, he was such a guy.

Which meant he’d screwed up and now he owed Nicole an apology as well as an explanation. He could handle the apology better than the other, and that was saying something. He reached out only to find the other side of the bed empty. And cold.

With a groan, he swung his legs over the side. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Ten thirty a.m. Sam couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so late. Sara would probably be gone with Sammy to the little girl’s gymnastics lesson, so if he wanted time alone with Nicole, he needed to hurry.

He showered quickly and headed to find her. She wasn’t in the kitchen, although he did manage to grab a peach on his way out the back door, eating in a few bites. He opened the sliding glass doors and stepped outside, and his breath caught—having nothing to do with the damp humid air.

Nicole lay outside in a bikini, displaying a body that made his mouth water. Just because he’d seen her before didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate the view all over again. He started toward her, reacquainting himself with her long legs, curvy hips, breasts that more than filled his hands, and a face that stayed with him from the moment they’d met. Was it any wonder he was struggling with distance?

“You’re blocking my sun.” She pushed herself up to a sitting position.

He inhaled and caught the scent of coconut sunscreen. It was a scent he’d liked as far back as childhood. He liked it even more now, and his body responded to it in very adult ways.

He sat down on her chaise, taking up not just her sun but her personal space. He finished off the peach he’d been working on and rolled the pit into a napkin on the table before sliding in closer.

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024