Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 97

“Oh, Nicole.” Her mother’s voice filled with pity and dismay. “I told you that you can’t build a life that’s meaningful or important on love. Love won’t support you in the lifestyle you’re accustomed to. And this kind of living? It’ll grow old. Come home and do what’s expected of you now.”

Her head began to pound. “Mother, I’m going to say something and for once in my life, I want you to listen. To hear me. I’m building a good life here. One I’m proud of. I have friends who like me for me, not the family name or money. And tomorrow I’m opening a bakery in town with a woman I admire. I’ll be up at four A.M. prepari

ng the pastries and the baked goods for my customers. If our blood ties mean anything, if my being your daughter is important to you, I hope you’ll come and see what I’ve accomplished.”

A myriad set of expressions crossed her mother’s face, none of which Nicole could interpret. It would take too much time and effort for her to try. She could only hope she’d made some kind of impression on her mother’s implacable will to put her status above all else.

Marian placed a hand on Nicole’s shoulder, surprising her and making her wonder if she’d made some sort of dent after all.

“Your sister’s ill. She will never be able to step up and be the daughter we need her to be. But you still can. Think about it,” Marian said.

Nicole jerked away. “I don’t need to think. I know who I am. You’re looking at her, Mom. So look. Understand. Come tomorrow and see for yourself.” Was she really begging? Nicole bit the inside of her cheek hard.

“You’re a disappointment to me,” her mother said. “And clearly I came all this way for nothing.”

Nicole shook her head and closed her eyes.

Her mother hadn’t heard one word Nicole said. In one ear and out the other. Her mother had ignored everything that was important to Nicole, words that came from her heart and soul in a last-ditch attempt to reach the woman who was supposed to be her mother. But a mother’s job was to love and nurture, and Marian Farnsworth had done none of those things.

When she opened her eyes, she wasn’t surprised to find that her mother had gone, cementing the fact that they clearly had very different views on what it meant to share blood.

Nicole swiped at her damp eyes, fully aware that Sam was in the other room. He hadn’t rushed in to save the day. No doubt he was still reeling, processing the difference between their families, reassessing what the hell he was doing with a woman who’d grown up with vultures, not parents.

Or maybe he was wondering how to extricate himself sooner rather than later. She wouldn’t blame him.

One thing she knew for sure: After that little display, she wanted nothing more than to be alone.


And Sam had thought her father was a coldhearted bastard. Sam sat frozen to his seat, shocked that anyone could treat their own child like a pawn in a game. With those two as parents, Nicole was a fucking miracle.

His miracle.

She’d stood up for him to her mother, declaring her love, proving herself much braver than he’d been with her. He was the big bad cop and she put him to shame.

He rose from his seat, sorry that he’d left her alone with her bitch of a mother. Then again, maybe it was better that Nicole think he hadn’t heard anything. Less embarrassing for her that way, and he’d do anything to protect her from being hurt any more.

He paused in the entryway, the distraught look on Nicole’s face gutting him. Unable to remain silent, he stepped forward. “Nicole?”

She brushed at her cheeks, and he realized she’d been crying. And now she wanted to hide it from him.

“Hey.” He strode up to her and grasped her hands. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

He held on to her wrists and stared into her damp blue eyes. “No, you’re not. Don’t pretend with me.”

To his surprise, she jerked out of his grasp. “Don’t.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Don’t what? Help you? Be there for you?”

Her face morphed into a cool mask. “Don’t make me think I can depend on you.”

“Whoa.” He dropped her wrist and raised both hands in a gesture of confusion. “I am here for you. I want to be here.”


It was his turn to step up. “You want to know why I want to be there for you when you need me?” He drew on all the courage she’d shown so far, using her bravery to bolster his own. “Because I love you.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024