Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3) - Page 98

Her eyes opened wide, a flash of hope in their depths, before they went . . . blank.

She deliberately shut down her feelings. “No, you don’t. You feel sorry for me.” She wrapped her arms around her shoulders, her fingertips digging into her skin.

“I don’t—”

“Yes, you do. You heard everything my mother said and you pity me. Why else would the man who didn’t want anything to do with relationships and who doesn’t believe in love choose this moment for a declaration?”

Her voice cracked and his heart squeezed painfully as she deliberately misinterpreted his words.

He’d told Mike he’d prove to her she could count on him. No matter how hard she made it, whether or not she shut him out, he wouldn’t bail.

“I’ll tell you why. Because I’m an idiot who couldn’t get beyond my past to see the amazing woman in front of me. But I see you, Nicole. And I’ve heard everything you’ve ever said about what you want and need in life—”

“Oh my God, don’t!” Her eyes opened wide, the blue depths filled with disappointment. “Don’t use my own words against me.”

“I’m using them for you. For us.” But as he spoke, he recognized the irony. Now that he wanted everything from her, she didn’t trust him or his words.

She couldn’t because her mother had shown up and demoralized and destroyed her in an attempt to get what she wanted. And Sam hadn’t come to his senses in time.

She turned away. “I have to get up early and I have a long day tomorrow.”

“I’ll get my things and be right back. We can stay here.”

She didn’t face him. “That’s okay. I . . . I need to be alone tonight.”

Sam shook his head and swallowed a groan. “Nicole—”

“Sam, please. I can’t do this now. I just had it out with my mother. I can’t argue with you too. I’m exhausted,” she said, her voice catching.

“Okay.” He didn’t like it, but he’d respect it. “But set the alarm when I leave.”

“I will.”

“I’ll pick you up and take you to work tomorrow.”

She shook her head, still not turning around. “There’s no reason for you to be up before dawn just because I have to be.”

He rolled his eyes. If she thought she could get rid of him that easily, she didn’t know him well at all. “I’ll be in the driveway at four. With coffee. See you then.”

Because he loved her. He knew for sure. And in his mind, that changed everything.

Operating on autopilot, Nicole woke up, showered, and dressed for her grand opening. Her head hurt from lack of sleep, and she wasn’t feeling the excitement she’d anticipated for today. She blamed her mother as well as Sam. He was a good guy, trying to make her feel better in the only way he knew how. But she didn’t believe he suddenly realized he was in love with her at the very moment he was exposed to yet another ugly side of her family and her life.

He came to her door to pick her up, not looking much better than she felt. He hadn’t shaved, his eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed to be moving as slowly as she was. But he still looked delectable to her, and keeping her distance was hard. But she’d gone into self-protection mode. No longer was she willing to expose her heart for people to slice and dice. Even well-meaning people who told her the way things were going to be up front. Like Sam.

They drove to town in silence, punctuated by occasional questions on his end.

“How did you sleep?” he asked.

“Fine.” She lied. She’d tossed and turned in her big empty bed all alone.

“Really? Because I didn’t sleep at all. I haven’t been sleeping all week. I’d gotten used to having you in my bed, and I miss you.”

She’d stared straight ahead, not wanting to get into any kind of deep discussion, and he took the hint and was silent for the rest of the way.

He pulled up in front of the store. The lights weren’t on yet, which meant she’d beat Lulu here and she could get started on cleaning and sanitizing before prep and baking began.

Sam turned, slinging one arm across the passenger seat. “I’m working today, but I’ll come by to check out the line coming out your door,” he said, his grin cute and sweet.

Tags: Carly Phillips Serendipity's Finest Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024