Lucky Charm (Lucky 1) - Page 21

At least for the moment, Derek thought.

“I appreciate you running interference for me,” Gabrielle said to her friend.

Sharon nodded. “I invited you here to speak, not to get thrown to the wolves.” She scowled at Derek. “Can’t you control your father?”

He cocked his head to one side. “Would you believe me if I said I tried? Short of tying him up, there wasn’t much I could do.”

Gabrielle picked up her tote bag. “Let’s just go home and forget about it. Who’s walking out with me?”

“Richard and I came together, but I need to straighten up a few things and lock up before we can go,” Sharon said. “Besides, he’s busy talking to one of his campaign people.” She pointed to the corner, where her fiancé remained deep in conversation with another man.

Derek had already decided he wasn’t going to leave without talking to Gabrielle alone.

“I’ll walk you out,” Derek said.

He needed to make sure she knew where things stood. He couldn’t rekindle a relationship with her no matter how much he desired her. She might not believe in curses. But he did.

SHARON DIDN’T HAVE TO straighten up her office tonight, but she did need to blow off steam before heading home. Besides, Richard wasn’t ready to leave yet, so she might as well make good use of the time.

“Ready to go?” Richard stepped into the room. Dressed immaculately in a suit and tie, he looked like the consummate politician. As he was handsome, as well as smart and compassionate, she thanked her lucky stars she’d found a man like him. Few women were offered second chances in life. This time she intended to get it right.

“I’m all set. Tonight was a huge success, wasn’t it? I think Gabrielle did a great job of making people think twice about believing in an old superstition.”

He stepped around her desk. Coming up beside her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and she snuggled closer.

Richard wasn’t into public displays of affection. He’d hold her hand or touch her back, but his reserve in public meant she had to take advantage of every chance for intimacy whenever they were alone.

“I think Gabrielle was great and I have you to thank for inviting her. But I think you were even better. The way you stood up for your friend—” he shook his head “—you did me proud.”

She smiled, pleased. “I just couldn’t believe Hank Corwin attacked her that way.”

“I’m glad to see you felt confident enough to do it.”

She didn’t want to talk about herself. “I’m just glad I could contribute to the cause.”

He smoothed his hand over the back of her hair. “We’re a team. It’s our cause. You know that having you by my side only makes me look better.”

“And more intelligent.” She laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

“Speaking of intelligence, I spoke to some people on their way out the door tonight,” Richard said. “Most mentioned they’d never thought much beyond the curse before tonight. They just believed in its power. They’re rethinking those views now,” he said.

“Did you see the way she sat there tonight? Not saying a word, just making sure people don’t forget she exists?” Sharon shivered at the memory. “She even tried to con Gabrielle by requesting she autograph a copy of her book.”

“Mary’s devious, all right,” Richard said. “There’s no question she gets things done. It’s her means of doing them that are questionable.”

“Well, hopefully her days of subtle threats are coming to an end. If nothing else, Gabrielle has gotten people to think about whether putting Mary Perkins back in office is something they want or something they feel compelled to do because they’re afraid of her.” Sharon was definitely pleased with tonight’s outcome.

“I really appreciate all you do for me.” He tipped her face and kissed her, keeping things slow and sensual, the way she liked it.

“Mmm.” A purr escaped from the back of her throat.

“Please tell me you can come back to our home for a while tonight,” he said in a gruff voice.

“I think I can manage that as long as you drop me off at

my parents at a semirespectable hour,” she teased.

He let out a long-suffering groan. “I hate that we have to be apart.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Lucky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024