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Lucky Charm (Lucky 1)

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GABRIELLE PROMISED SHARON she’d drive her back to Stewart right after Gabrielle stopped at her apartment in Boston to pick up some notes regarding her upcoming interview with Mary Perkins. Since Sharon was preoccupied, Gabrielle didn’t mention that her room at the Rhodes Inn had been ransacked and she’d been forced to return home for good. She didn’t want to add to Sharon’s already high stress level.

And since Sharon was upset enough, Gabrielle didn’t even chastise her for stalking her ex. There would be time for that during the ride back to Stewart.

“What’s wrong?” she asked her friend, instead.

Sharon sighed. “I’m just wondering how much it’s going to cost me to get the car fixed, how I’m going to afford it on top of the blackmail.” She glanced out the window, pressing her forehead against the heavy glass.

Gabrielle’s heart went out to her friend. “It goes without saying…”

Sharon cut her off with a sharp wave of her hand. “I appreciate it, but unless I’ve exhausted all my options, I’ll make it work. I just need to vent and think things through,” Sharon said, her tone soft and full of appreciation.

Gabrielle nodded. She respected her friend’s independent streak.

Both women knew Gabrielle’s writing provided her with a surplus of income and she could more than afford to help Sharon with both the blackmail money and the repairs. But Sharon had a little too much pride. Her refusal to tell Richard about the blackmail was an example. If she needed help, financial or otherwise, Sharon understood Gabrielle would be there.

“We’re here.” Gabrielle pulled up to the curb by her brownstone. “Wait here. I’ll run in and get what I need.”

Sharon shook her head. “I’ll come in with you. I need to use your bathroom before we start the car ride home.”

Gabrielle left the car in the illegal No Standing zone and the women ran up the flights of stairs to Gabrielle’s unit, a two-bedroom apartment she’d leased upon her return from Florida.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Gabrielle noticed her door was open and an uncomfortable feeling of déjà vu assaulted her.

“Did you leave this door—”

“No. Definitely not.” She cut Sharon off and halted in her tracks, not wanting to go any closer.

“You’re sure? Because sometimes I forget to lock my parents’ house, you know?”

“I’m positive. I locked it.” After her last night in Stewart, Gabrielle had diligently locked her door whenever she left.

She met Sharon’s worried gaze. “I guess now’s the time to tell you my room at Mrs. Rhodes’s was broken into and ransacked. The person le

ft a calling card in red lipstick.” Gabrielle tried to swallow but her mouth had grown dry.

Sharon raised her eyebrows. “Well? What did it say?”

“You were warned!”

“Jeez, Gabrielle, you should have told me,” Sharon chided, her voice rising.

“Shh!” Gabrielle placed a finger to her lips. “We don’t know if anyone is still in there.”

Eyes wide, Sharon nodded.

“Follow me.”

Slowly and quietly they made their way back down the stairs. From the safety of her car, Gabrielle once again called 9-1-1.

DEREK WAS GETTING TOO OLD for these kinds of scares. Gabrielle had just called and informed him about the break-in at her Boston apartment. This time her computer had been stolen, as well as notes and papers on all her books.

She’d called 9-1-1, for which he was grateful, but she’d avoided calling his cousin. Derek had a hunch she didn’t want to involve his family and he let it go. As long as she’d brought the police in, he was satisfied.

It was obvious to Derek that someone wanted to send her a message—and they weren’t going to let a little thing like distance stop them.

Clearly, she wasn’t safe alone.

She hadn’t asked Derek for anything, but he knew she had nowhere to stay where she felt safe. She wouldn’t put her parents in danger any more than she would put Sharon and her parents, or Derek and Holly in harm’s way.

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