Lucky Charm (Lucky 1) - Page 62

He’d had one helluva time convincing her to move in with him until the person harassing her was found. But eventually she’d gratefully relented.

He gathered his family together. Uncle Thomas, Hank and Holly sat in his large living room and listened as he explained what had happened to Gabrielle over the past few days.

“So I’m wondering how you’d feel about bunking with Grandpa and Uncle Thomas for a little while?” Derek leaned down on one knee as he asked his daughter’s opinion.

Since Holly had just recently come to stay with him and they were just starting to build a relationship, he didn’t intend for her to feel displaced or unwanted.

“Par-ty!” Holly said, obviously not upset by the request.

Derek rose to his feet, ignoring the stiffness that reminded him he had stopped going to the gym since his move back home.

“Are you sure?”

Holly swung her head around to look at her grandfather. “Can I stay up late? Eat cookies in bed? Watch whatever movies I want?”

Hank winked at her.

Derek shook his head, amazed at her sunny outlook. Bless her, she wasn’t hard to get along with, Derek thought.

“That was easy.”

Hank shook his head. “Not so fast. I’m not sleeping in the same room with her. She snores.”

Holly giggled.

Once again Derek was reminded of what a good man his father was when it came to his granddaughter. He always knew how to make her laugh.

“So nobody minds?”

“Of course not. You know we can take care of Holly without a problem. It’s Gabrielle’s safety that’s important,” Uncle Thomas said.

“Thank you,” Derek said.

Hank muttered something under his breath.


Hank raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“That’s what I want to know. What’s bugging you?”

His father leaned his elbow against the arm of the sofa. “Nothing.”

“Then what were you mumbling about?”

Hank frowned. “You aren’t going to like it.”

Derek raised an eyebrow. “Tell me, anyway.” He’d rather have things out in the open.

“I’m just thinking that Gabrielle wouldn’t be in danger if she minded her own business. Digging into other people’s lives isn’t a very nice way to earn a living.”

“Holly, let’s go take Fred for a walk,” Uncle Thomas said. Rising from his seat, he gestured for her to follow him.

“But…” Holly remained sitting until her uncle forcibly pulled her up. “Fine,” she said, grumbling, clearly not happy about being left out of the conversation. “You know Grandpa’s just going to tell me later,” she said, shuffling her feet as she made her way out the door.

Derek would have laughed if he wasn’t so intent on dealing with his father. He strode over to Hank, who had risen to his feet.

“I think it’s time we have this out once and for all,” Derek said. “What do you have against Gabrielle? Please don’t tell me it has to do with her career choice or the subject matter of her newest book.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Lucky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024