Lucky Charm (Lucky 1) - Page 86

“What isn’t?” he asked. “That was Hank. Seems Marlene decided to come today instead of tomorrow. She’s waiting for me at the house.” He turned and started for the exit.

With a shiver caused more by the idea of meeting Derek’s ex than by his current mood, Gabrielle followed him out the door.


DEREK PAUSED OUTSIDE his front door, not quite ready to face his ex or to give up his daughter.

Gabrielle placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, her touch conveying more than mere words.

I understand.

She’d always known him best, and even now, when his fear for her safety had caused him to lash out at her in anger and frustration, she was still by his side, still here for him when he needed her.

“Whenever you’re ready,” she said at last.

He inclined his head, drew a breath and opened the door. Holly’s voice drifted out to him, her rush of words conveying both her excitement to see her mother and the desire to catch Marlene up on her life as quickly as possible.

“And then Dad took me shopping for new flip-flops ’cause Fred chewed mine, but we had to stop at the library first ’cause you know how school’s running that program where if you read a certain number of books you get a free pan pizza at Pizza Hut?”

“Yes, I remember that program,” Marlene said, her familiar voice reaching Derek as he quietly opened the front door. “Have you been reading a lot?”

“Sort of. Anyway, so I dropped off my books and picked up some new ones and then we went for new flip-flops and that’s when I met Gabrielle Donovan. She’s really cool, Mom. You’ll like her a lot. She dresses pretty and she speaks French. Oh, and she was dad’s girlfriend back in high school, way before he ever met you, though.”

Derek decided Holly had definitely rambled enough. “Hello?” he called out, as if he’d just walked in.

“Dad!” Holly said as both she and Marlene turned toward the front door. He stepped inside, Gabrielle behind him. “Look who’s here!”

“I see. Grandpa called to tell me your mom was here a day early.” He deliberately held Marlene’s gaze a minute too long, hoping to convey that he didn’t appreciate the surprise. “How was Europe?” he asked her.

“Truly amazing.” Her cheeks were flushed pink and her happiness showed on her face. She’d cut her long brown hair in a short pixie style that suited her.

She looked well. And happy, he thought. He wanted that for her.

Marlene rose from her seat and gestured toward Gabrielle. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?” Her question came out sounding as if she was chastising a child with bad manners.

“That’s Gabrielle, Dad’s old high-school girlfriend. I was just telling you about her,” Holly chimed in with all the tact of an unaware eleven-year-old.

Derek held back a groan. “Of course I was going to introduce you.” He’d just been being polite first by asking Marlene about her trip. He should have realized she’d feel threatened, so he tried to smooth things over first.

Derek made perfunctory introductions and Gabrielle stepped forward to say hello.

“I’ve heard so much about you from Holly and Derek,” Gabrielle said with a smile.

Only he would know that smile was filled with discomfort.

“I wish I could say the same,” Marlene said. “Derek never mentioned you.”

Which was true. When they’d met, Derek had been trying to forget losing Gabrielle. He’d never discussed her with Marlene except to say he was coming off a long relationship that had recently ended. His pain was too fresh and his feelings for Gabrielle too private to share with anyone. Same with the curse. He’d hoped to forget the damn thing ever existed.

But Marlene did know about Gabrielle. Once Marlene had become pregnant, Derek had brought her home to meet his family. Hank had filled her in on Derek’s past with colorful detail, and whatever he’d left out, she’d learned during a trip to town. Gabrielle was no longer a part of Derek’s life then, nor would she ever be, but gossip and history had placed her between him and his new wife.

Before her honeymoon, Marlene had softened. Falling in love had eased her resentment, but she had her guard up today. Her bitchy side had returned, and he wanted this moment over quickly, for everyone involved.

“I thought you were coming tomorrow?” Derek asked his ex.

“I wanted to surprise Holly.” She wrapped her arm around their daughter’s shoulder.

Derek’s stomach lurched. These were the tactics she’d used to separate them at her whim. Derek needed to let her know he wouldn’t tolerate it anymore. “Holly, honey, why don’t you take Gabrielle and get your things together? I want a few minutes alone with your mom.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Lucky Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024