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Lucky Charm (Lucky 1)

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She swallowed hard. “I don’t want time. I just want you.”

“Thank God. I want to know the real you and I want you to know the real me,” he said in a husky tone. Then, slowly, tantalizingly, he lowered his head until just his breath hovered over one tight nipple.

“And then?” she asked on barely a whisper.

“Then we get married as planned,” he said, enclosing his mouth around her.

And that was just the beginning….


DEREK NEEDED A CHANGE of scenery, so he drove to New York to pick up Holly instead of meeting Marlene and John halfway. The newlyweds had bought a house a half hour outside of the city, in a place called Larchmont. Holly wanted Derek to see where she’d be living in a few weeks, so he agreed to pick her up there. His daughter was actually looking forward to living in a house instead of an apartment and starting a new school. Derek was sure her nerves would kick in closer to the first day, but for now when he spoke to her on the phone, Holly seemed like her easygoing self.

He rang the doorbell of the colonial-style house and was greeted by Holly, who’d come to a skidding halt in her socks as she opened the front door.

“Hey, kiddo!” He greeted her with a wave.

She hugged him tight. “Dad! Come check out my new room. It’s so much bigger than my room in the city. And Mom even said I can use the sheets and comforter you got for me.”

“She did?” he asked, unable to contain his surprise.

“I did.” Marlene came up behind Holly. “Honey, why don’t you go get your bags packed to go to your dad’s?”

“I’m packed.”

“Then double-check you didn’t forget anything,” Marlene said pointedly.

Holly rolled her eyes. “The grown-ups want to talk,” she said, stomping back toward the stairs with added force on each step.

Marlene shook her head and laughed. “I swear, sometimes I think I’m already living with a hormonal teenager.”

“Soon enough,” he said, shuddering at the thought.

“Come on in,” she said, holding the door open. “I thought we could talk.”

He followed her into the house, which was still empty of furniture. “We’re having the place painted next week,” she said.

“It’s a beautiful house. Great place for Holly to grow up.”

Marlene nodded. “John wanted to be here to say hello, but I explained to him that we needed to talk alone.”

“Okay,” Derek said warily.

She led him into the kitchen where a bridge table and chairs had been set up. “Have a seat. It’s the best I can offer,” she said, waving at the folding chairs.

Since she wanted to talk, he remained silent until she broached whatever she needed to say. He wasn’t about to give her an opening, or heaven forbid, more ammunition to use against him. Although he had to admit that ever since he’d called to confirm this weekend, she’d been more than accommodating with him. But that was Marlene, at least where he was concerned. He never knew what to expect.

“I told John what went on when I picked up Holly from you last week.”

Derek inclined his head. “I’m not sure exactly which thing you’re referring to.”

Marlene’s cheeks flushed pink. “Well, he wasn’t thrilled that I picked Holly up a day early,” she said without meeting his gaze. “John didn’t think that was fair to you. Especially with us coming home early. And then, when I told him I’d threatened to sue you for full custody and accused you of putting Gabrielle before Holly…” She twisted her hands together nervously. “John was furious,” she said, the admission obviously not an easy one for her to make.

Derek leaned forward in his seat. “Why was John upset with you?”

She laughed nervously. “He just knows me so well. And I’d promised him and myself I’d stop using Holly as a weapon against you. As you said, we’d gotten past a lot of old baggage. But last week…John accused me of being spiteful and jealous of Gabrielle. He said if knowing you were with Gabrielle bothered me, then obviously you and I have unresolved issues,” she said, gesturing between them.

Derek cocked his head to one side. “And you agree with him?”

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