Kismet - Page 7

Well, now she knew. She ought to be surprised that it was Trevor who’d awakened her long-dormant hormones, but she wasn’t. Not really.

Lissa pulled in a deep breath and forced herself to continue the conversation. For all she knew, she was the only one feeling the heat and she didn’t want him to think she’d misinterpret a kind gesture for anything more. She knew how he felt about her.

His first unguarded reaction had shown his true emotions, and though he was trying to be nice now, she knew the resentment still lurked below the surface. She couldn’t let herself think anything else was at play or she’d be risking her heart. She was sure Trevor’s was locked up tight, at least to her.

“How did you know my size?” she asked.

He shrugged. “I asked my secretary to guess. Some of the things will have to be returned.”

She nodded. “I look forward to trying them on.”

“I look forward to seeing you in them.” His gorgeous eyes sparkled at the thought.

“What time should I be ready tonight?”

“I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Lissa shook her head. “I’ll meet you there.” This wasn’t a date; it was business. She couldn’t let him play the gentleman and go through the motions. It would only make her want things she’d never have.

He scowled. “I don’t mind picking you up.”

“There’s no need for you to treat me like a date. I’m a journalist writing your story,” she felt compelled to remind him. Or maybe she needed to say it out loud for herself. “The Waldorf, correct?”

He nodded, but she could see from the stiffness in his shoulders he wasn’t happy with her suggestion.

“Great,” she said, rising from the bed. “I’ll see you there.”

He rose and stood way too close. “You’ll see me, all right,” he murmured too enigmatically for her liking. Reaching out, he placed his fingers beneath her chin until she looked directly into his eyes. “We have a lot to catch up on.”

He tipped his head and her stomach did a nervous roll as his lips came closer to hers. A yearning the likes of which she’d never felt before rose up to greet him. But instead of touching his mouth to hers, he placed a kiss on her cheek, his touch too short to make any promises and yet too long to mean nothing.

He stared at her for a long while afterward, as if studying her.

She curled her hands into fists at her sides, her heart pounding, her body responding in ways she’d long forgotten. Her breasts grew full, her nipples peaked, and dampness pooled between her thighs.

“See you later,” he said in a deep voice, gruffer than before.

“Bye,” she whispered, unable to form a coherent thought. And though he hadn’t really kissed her or touched her at all, heat licked at her from the inside out.

Oh boy, was she in trouble.

Lissa spent the rest of the afternoon pulling herself together. She tried on the variety of dresses Collette had sent over, surprised to find each one fit. It was up to her to decide which to wear and which to return. The answer came down to one question.

How sexy did she want to be?

She luxuriated in a scented bath and took an amazing amount of time getting herself ready. The last time she’d primped so much on her appearance had been back in high school. Sadly, that had been the last time she’d truly cared about impressing someone, and she had to admit it felt too good to make the attempt now.

Though she knew she ought to eat and had ordered up something light, she merely picked at the salad and fruit, too nervous for a full meal. Still, at least she had something in her stomach so that she could nurse a drink and not feel tipsy. Something told her she’d need to be in full control of her faculties this evening when dealing with Trevor. Not to mention, she wouldn’t be taking notes on the people she met and on Trevor’s interactions, so she’d need to rely on memory when she wrote up her interview notes later.

Finally, gown and shoes chosen, she gathered her evening bag—another smart choice by Collette—and headed downstairs to hail a cab. Except when she reached the lobby, she found Trevor waiting for her.

Standing against a pillar, clad in a perfectly fitted tuxedo, the man exuded confidence and sex appeal. She was so surprised to see him, so affected by his masculinity, that she nearly tripped in her high heels as she made her way over to him.

“I thought I said I’d meet you there,” she said.

“And I told you you’d see me. I just didn’t say where.” His gaze raked over her, hot and heated, devouring her with its intensity. “You look gorgeous.”

“Thank you. Collette chose well.” She managed to speak though her mouth was bone dry.

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024