Kismet - Page 9

Lissa blushed.

“I was just telling her the same thing myself,” Trevor said, unable to hide his pleasure at being with her.

Over the years, as Trevor had escorted various dates to these types of evenings, he’d envied Bradley Banks, thinking the man was taking Lissa to country club events, showing her off and then taking her home and making love to her.

Trevor’s stomach turned at the thought even now.

How much time had he wasted by not finding out the truth of how her life had been?

Which reminded him, he had some crow to eat. He turned to Alex. “I already apologized to Lissa and now it’s your turn. I was shocked to see her after all these years and I let emotion cloud my judgment. I was rude earlier today and I apologize.”

Trevor wasn’t a man prone to saying I’m sorry, but in this case, he owed his boss and mentor and intended to prove he understood his mistake.

“I don’t know what happened between you two in the past, but to have such an explosive reaction means great passion was involved.”

A small hiccup came from Lissa, a clear sign of shock.

“Alex ...” Trevor said in warning.

The other man waved away Trevor’s concerns because in Alex’s world, people were meant to be paired off. He was a romantic to the bone.

“Speaking of passion, Emma sends her best, but she’s home with a headache and she wants to make sure she’s better for tomorrow night’s dinner party. Which means I’ll be leaving early,” he said with regret.

“I hope she feels better,” Lissa said. “I’m looking forward to meeting her tomorrow.”

Trevor stepped closer to Lissa and slid an arm around her waist. She stiffened for a moment before managing to relax. “Please send Emma my best wishes. And we’ll see her tomorrow,” Trevor added.

“She’s looking forward to it, as am I.” Alex nodded. His perceptive gaze locked on Trevor’s possessive hold on Lissa and a smug grin settled on the man’s face. “I’ll see you two later,” Alex said and headed off to finish making his rounds.

Trevor gave Lissa a few minutes to enjoy her drink in silence and take in the ambiance in the ballroom. He finished his and turned to face her.

“Dance?” he asked.

“Sure.” Lissa handed her wine glass to a passing server.

Lissa steeled herself for the next few minutes in Trevor’s arms.

It was hard enough to see the heat and appreciation in his eyes whenever he looked at her. Harder still to make herself believe he meant it. She didn’t doubt he wanted her. She desired him just as much. It was how she felt about that look in his eyes that frightened her. As he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, the warmth of his body and the thrill his touch inspired scared her even more.

Yet when he looked down and into her eyes, she practically melted on the spot.

“This feels familiar,” he said as he slowly moved to the strains of the music.

She laughed, remembering their junior prom. They hadn’t made it to their senior. “As I recall, we were more awkward then.”

He shrugged. “Practice makes perfect.” He stroked her bare back with his thumb and she shivered.

“Do you come to these things often?” she asked.

“It’s part of the job. There are charitable galas, holiday parties, things like that.”

“And that’s where you got all your practice. Who were your partners?” she asked, forcing a smile while they talked.

“Is that on the record? Or more of a personal question?”

She tried to pull away but he tightened his hold, continuing their glide around the dance floor. “Well?”

“I think you know.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024