Kismet - Page 24

Nick groaned. “Kate Andrews.”

Trevor released the breath he’d been holding.

“The woman is going to be the death of me,” Nick said, unaware of Trevor’s thoughts.

“You? And Kate?” Lissa hadn’t mentioned Kate seeing anyone.

“Is it that odd?”

Trevor shook his head. “I thought you went for blonds.”

Nick shrugged. “It took me by surprise, too, but after Faith and I agreed we were in the past—”

“You picked up with Faith Harrington again?” Trevor remembered Nick and Faith being a couple back in high school and her breaking up with him.

Nick shook his head. “Never had another shot with her with Ethan Barron in the picture. But the truth is, Faith and I are just friends. Whatever chemistry we had is in the past.” He glanced over at the women once more. “But Kate thinks she’s my rebound girl while I’m getting over Faith.”

“Is she?” Trevor asked.

“Hell, no.”

Nick frowned, looking like a man truly in distress, and Trevor couldn’t help but take pity on him. “So why are you standing here with me when the woman you’re interested in is over there?”

When the woman Trevor wanted more than his next breath stood with her.

“Good question,” Nick said, and before Trevor could blink, Nick headed off in the women’s direction, calling out Kate’s name.

Both of them turned and Lissa’s gaze locked squarely on Trevor, her shock evident. Following Nick, he headed over, hoping that having Kate around would ease the conversation at least until he could get her alone.

He glanced at the little girl jumping up and down beside them and talking to her mother and Kate, and reassessed. If he could get Lissa alone.

“Ladies,” Nick said first, tipping his head in acknowledgment. “You’re looking good today, Kate.”

“Funny, Mancini.” Kate smirked, her moss-green eyes, darker than Lissa’s, narrowing in distrust.

“That hurts, Kate.” Nick placed a hand over his heart. “See what I mean?” He turned to Trevor. “She doesn’t take me seriously.”

“Any reason why I should?” Kate asked.

Nick straightened his shoulders, meeting her gaze. “Because I’m me. And I never say what I don’t mean.”

Trevor had known Nick for years and he’d never heard him more serious.

But Kate merely rolled her eyes.

Lissa shook her head and Trevor tried not to laugh. The poor guy obviously had his work cut out for him if he wanted to get Kate to believe in him.

“Hi, Lissa,” Nick said, turning his attention away from Kate.

“Hi, Nick,” she said, obviously aware of Trevor right beside him.

“Hi, Lissa,” he said, his voice gruff.

“Trevor.” She treated him to a tight smile.

Kate glared at him, obviously well versed on their recent past.

“Who’s this beautiful girl?” Trevor bent down so he was eye level with Lissa’s daughter, well aware this was his one and only first chance. He got this right or he went down in flames.

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024