Secret Fantasy - Page 38

Her body heated with his innuendo. “That was the plan,” she said, feeling a burning blush rise to her face.

Doug took her off guard by pressing a gentle kiss to her heat-flooded cheeks. Then he leaned back, aligning their bodies as close as possible, despite the barrier of clothes. Heavy and full, his erection teased her empty body with tempting possibilities.

“How would you like it, Juliette? Slow or fast?” His voice came out a low growl that both excited and aroused.

And here she’d thought she was already on the edge and at her most sensitive. “I think we’ve already taken things slow enough, don’t you?”

In response, he grabbed the ends of her shirt and yanked hard. Buttons scattered and material ripped beneath his strong hands and the sound tore through her much the way desire clawed inside her.

He grinned. “I aim to please. After all, I’m here to make your wishes come true.”

She licked at her dry lips. “Did you know there’s a saying? That every woman has a caveman fantasy buried deep inside.”

“Then, by all means, let’s fulfill yours.” He spread her shirt wide, revealing her breasts to his gaze and the cool air.

She’d looked in the mirror earlier, seen her nipples, dark and erect beneath the lace material. From the tight pull of his jaw, he saw too—and he liked it.

“What would your caveman do after he dragged you back to his lair?”

“He’d kiss me.” Desire, stronger than she’d ever known, pulsed in rapid cadence, begging for release. Liquid moisture wouldn’t be denied and trickled between her legs.

“Kiss you where?” Doug asked. “He can’t satisfy you if he doesn’t know what you like.” He watched her intently. And he waited. All the while he drew slow circles around one darkened nipple. Teasing. Arousing. Waiting.

Her body bucked and she trembled. Juliette swallowed hard. “I thought we agreed on fast.”

“You tell me what you’d like and I promise you fast and hard and deep.”

At his words a soft cry escaped her lips and his blue eyes darkened to a stormy hue. “Where would he kiss you?” he asked again.

Could she really admit her deepest longings aloud? She questioned, yet she’d already trusted him with far more. How could she deny him or herself now? “He’d kiss my breasts,” she murmured.

True to his word, Doug pressed a light kiss against one distended peak, followed by wide laps of his tongue, and after he’d thoroughly laved her nipple, he began a harder, flickering motion. One that caused a quickening in her stomach and an intense, direct pull between her legs and had her squirming beneath him.

He gave her “fast.” He gave her “hard.”

Juliette knew “deep” would come.

She hadn’t realized she’d shut her eyes until she felt her camisole being pulled up, and when she raised her back off the mattress, he slid it over her head. Goose bumps prickled at her bare skin.

“You are so beautiful.” His husky voice nestled deep in her chest, perilously close to her heart.

Embarrassed, she averted her gaze. He took her chin in his hand and turned her to face him. “I am not your ex. I don’t want you for your father’s senate seat or any other reason. I want you.”

She didn’t question the link he’d made. She’d given him enough information to connect the dots and draw the not-so-pretty picture. But his words made up for all the pain and ugliness in her past.

“When I look at you I see the woman I…admire.” He splayed his hands over both breasts, pressing her nipples into his palms and cupping her completely. “The woman I care about.”

The woman he loved? The word popped into Juliette’s mind without warning. Without thought. But then when did an onslaught of emotion pause to announce its presence? She had the unsettling hunch it was her own feelings she was thinking about though. If she was really thinking at all. She couldn’t tell, not when her body seemed to all but take over her mind.

And her body demanded so much more. She reached for the waistband of her silk skirt. Taking the hint, Doug rose off her, long enough to shuck his jeans as she did the same with her elastic-waist skirt.

He turned back to face her and sucked in a startled breath. “No panties.”

“Easier access, like I said.” She shrugged, trying desperately not to appear as self-conscious as she was feeling. She bit down on her lower lip. “I notice you’re not wearing underwear either.”

In fact he was gloriously naked and completely male. Juliette discovered he was all hard muscle and erect steel. She tried to swallow but found the lump in her throat was too great.

“Difference is, I was wearing some.” A wry smile twisted his lips as he stepped toward the bed.

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024