Secret Fantasy - Page 46

“And Doug’s? I admit I only know what I see, but he genuinely seems to care about you.”

“He also wanted something from me.”

“Which he got. And has yet to use,” Merrilee reminded her.

“Yet being the operative word.”

Merrilee patted her hand. “There’re many ways to tell a story. Do you want my advice?”

Juliette nodded. With her sister and parents too far away to help, Juliette would take whatever advice this kindhearted woman wanted to give.

“Keep an open mind and, most importantly, an open heart,” she said, her eyes fathomless, seemingly wiser than her years. “Are you sure I can’t persuade you to stay longer?”

Juliette let out a sigh. “No. As beautiful as this place is, I really do need to get home. I’ve been sitting on some things too long and need to take action.” She debated telling Merrilee about Stuart and decided against it. Fate worked a certain way for a reason. At least now Juliette was in possession of all the facts.

“Well, I hope in time you’ll look back on your stay here fondly,” her hostess said.

“Believe it or not, I already do.” At the very least, she’d learned plenty about herself and her ability to open up and trust, even if it had been with the wrong man.

But if he was so wrong for her, then why did the pained look in his eyes linger in her memory along with his words? I never intended to hurt you. I never intended to use you.

I love you—the last said long after his lies had been exposed. She hugged her arms around her waist. Long after he’d walked out, leaving her alone as she’d requested, she’d replayed every moment of their time on the island in her head. Every touch, every kiss, every intimate conversation.

No question he’d come to Secret Fantasy with an agenda, but could his feelings have shifted midcourse? Hers most certainly had. “Merrilee?”

Her hand on the door, the other woman turned. “Yes?”

“Do you have any regrets in life?”

She nodded. “Not having had the chance to follow my heart.”

Her words rung in Juliette’s ears long after Merrilee let herself out. I love you. Lord knew, his lies aside, Juliette loved him. But she’d been taken in twice. Both so recent she still had the scars to show for her misplaced faith. How could she even think about trusting the words and expressions of a man whose lips and eyes had already deceived her?


IF FLYING from Secret Fantasy to Miami, from Miami to Chicago, and Chicago to Washington D.C., all in forty-eight hours, was enough to prove love, Doug would have Juliette in his arms by now. Unfortunately, Juliette had gotten a head start and the last seat on the last flight out of Miami. After hours of waiting in airports and too little sleep, Doug prepared himself to face Senator Stanton’s secretary and then the senator himself.

In fact, his journey had just begun. And when he stood in front of Juliette’s father, he understood just how difficult the trip would be.

Senator Stanton rose from behind his desk. “I shouldn’t even be seeing you.” Despite the older man’s graying hair and age, Doug saw similarities to Juliette. Like his daughter, even in disapproval, his green eyes held an inherent warmth.

Doug extended his hand and the senator shook it warily. “I take it you’ve spoken to your daughter,” Doug said.

“Long enough to know you’ve been busy.”

He accepted the intended criticism with a nod of his head. “Not as busy as I might have been if I’d spent the last day and a half writing an article instead of traveling to find you.”

“Then I’m sure you have something important to say.” Senator Stanton gestured for Doug to take a seat, then settled into the leather oversize armchair behind the desk. “Don’t tell me you traveled all this way to warn me about your exposé. Journalists don’t usually extend such courtesy.”

“Especially ones who’ve hurt an innocent woman, you mean?”

“Touché. And your words, not mine, but in this case they’ll do fine.”

“Sir, I have an idea that will keep your daughter out of the paper completely. My paper, at least. I can’t control what others print but I can damn well control what I write.” And thanks to Juliette and her warmth and sensitivity, she’d taught him to give his words careful consideration.

The older man leaned forward in his seat. “And why would you want to do that?”

Doug drew a deep breath. “Because I love her,” Doug said the words out loud for the second time in as many days.

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024